was trying with the enableTwoFactor from user and it seemed entirely broken
i then tried with enableTwoFactor from SteamCommunity and it stated "No mobile access token available. Provide one by calling setMobileAppAccessToken()" which lead me to steam session
i figured out what the issue was don't know if it's something u wanna check out or not
however https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-session/blob/master/examples/login-with-password.ts
let startResult = await session.startWithCredentials({
return the error mentioned earlier
let startResult = session.startWithCredentials({
accountName: username,
password: password,
steamGuardMachineToken: var,
steamGuardCode: var2
as shown on your link works fine. seems steamGuardCode is a required parameter?
time to see if i can get the rest to work ^^ ty for the steam-user link