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  1. Sry, missed your msh, yeap I putted inside constructor
  2. Hi, I'm using like before with help of this, keep in mind to use last version of node-steam-tradeoffer cancelTime: 600000,
  3. This method doesn't look fine with a new update for steam, do in another way
  4. Yeap, I did update for the new version and everything works fine, thanks for quick update
  5. Method for canceling trade offers doesn't work now, any ideas? getUserInventoryContents maybe try this?
  6. I have a code inside my bot, but I didn't catch the case with dead proxy or losing connect, I have also autoRelogin true, but sometimes I lose connect and it tried to work without login and throwing error in creating new offer Not Logged In. Someone has an idea? let user = new SteamUser({ httpProxy: `http://${proxy.proxy}`, autoRelogin: true }); user.on("webSession", (sessionID, cookies) => { manager.setCookies(cookies,async (err) => { if (err) { // catch } }); community.setCookies(cookies); });
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