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  1. Could you also kindly share how do you parse this buffer into a readable json or text?
  2. Alright, thanks tho. I’m subbed to the mail list so i’ll see if you maybe change your mind
  3. Would it be possible to claim weekly free rewards, so drops with node globaloffensive in the future?
  4. Hmm, okay alright i’ll try again but since it wasn’t that flawless for me with like 5 different countries (mainly the cheapest ones) a 1 sms system would be much better
  5. Yea i guarded up 250 accs from onlinesim but the second number rarely arrived so idk which country did you use.
  6. That would be awesome, it would help a lot probably for a bunch of us.
  7. Is there any way to add phone number and steam guard with one SMS code just like in SDA? The thing is that with most services i’m even lucky it i get one auth sms from steam but the second one 75% of the cases won’t arrive so i’ll get an account with a phone number that I can’t even automatically remove because i’ll get no other auth codes. Is there any way to solve or bypass this issue?
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