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  1. I found a solution, I just had to use a different EAuthPlatformType Thank you for your help๐Ÿ˜€
  2. Excuse me, please.๐Ÿ˜” When I don't use a proxy on node-steam-session, I can login successfully using steamRefresh_steam. If I log in through a proxy, then after installing steamRefresh_steam the server does not want to perform a refresh. It gives error 15 (Access Denied). But if I authorize through the browser, then the cookies will work regardless of the IP
  3. You can use the SteamID class for this https://www.npmjs.com/package/steamid
  4. if I specify the refresh token that I received from the library, then I get success=false during the refresh. I set steamRefresh_steam on the host login.steampowered.com
  5. Is it necessary to install all the necessary cookies on the login page, and then when the page is reloaded, a successful login to the system will be completed?
  6. When I set cookies in the browser that were received through the node-steamsession library, the cookies expire after 1 day without updating them in the browser. Why does this happen and how to deal with it?? I set the following cookies: steamLoginSecure and sessionid
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