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Everything posted by volttakds

  1. Hi. So my question is basically what it says in the title. I've tried just running community.login with accName and password, but it always returns "Invalid Password" even tho the account is valid. If I use the shared secret to generate the twoFactorCode it does work normally, but doesn't seem the case for this one. community.login({ accountName, password, disableMobile: true } Nvm I was actually forgetting to remove \r from the password 😬
  2. I get 401 error whenever I don't have the 'steamCoutry' cookie
  3. Hi. I'm using 'steam-community' to login and get the cookies, but I'm having trouble with inconsistency. Sometimes the cookies array contains 'steamCountry' and sometimes it doesn't, appears to be random. However, because of that, my requests fail whenever I don't have the steamCountry set. Is there any way to force it to get the country or create it "artificially"?
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