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dawe's Achievements
Hi, it's still happening. The inventory is public.
Thank you. How do I refresh the session as I'm not using an account?
dawe started following AccessDenied when trying to get status of a trade , 401 after a while of getting inventory , HTTP error 403 when trying to relog after session expires and 3 others
I get this: Error retrieving inventory: Error: HTTP error 401 after a couple of days of running my script. It works for a while then it crashes with that error code. Below is the complete code: Edit: To clarify, it gets the inventory no problem then just stops working. const express = require('express'); const SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity'); // Assuming you're using steamcommunity package const app = express(); const community = new SteamCommunity(); const axios = require('axios'); // Import axios for making HTTP requests // Define appIDs for different games const APP_IDS = { csgo: 730, // CS:GO rust: 252490 // Rust }; // Route to fetch inventory app.get('/inventory/:steamID/:game', async (req, res) => { const steamID = req.params.steamID; const game = req.params.game.toLowerCase(); // Get the game from the URL parameter const appID = APP_IDS[game]; // Get app ID from the predefined APP_IDS object const contextID = game === 'csgo' ? 2 : 2; // Context ID for CS:GO is 2, Rust is 6 if (!appID) { return res.status(400).json({ error: "Invalid game specified. Please use 'csgo' or 'rust'." }); } try { // Get the inventory for the requested steamID and appID const inventory = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { community.getUserInventoryContents(steamID, appID, contextID, true, (err, inventory) => { if (err) { return reject(err); // Reject the promise with the error } resolve(inventory); // Resolve the promise with the inventory }); }); // Return the inventory as a JSON response res.json({ steamID, appID, inventory }); } catch (err) { console.error('Error retrieving inventory:', err); res.status(500).json({ error: "Error retrieving inventory", details: err.message }); } }); // Route to fetch sales history from Skinport app.get('/sales-history/:appID/:currency', async (req, res) => { const { appID, currency } = req.params; try { // Make a request to the Skinport API to get sales history const response = await axios.get('https://api.skinport.com/v1/sales/history', { params: { app_id: appID, currency: currency } }); // Return the sales history data from Skinport as JSON res.json(response.data); } catch (err) { console.error('Error retrieving sales history:', err); res.status(500).json({ error: "Error retrieving sales history", details: err.message }); } }); // Start the Express server const PORT = 2001; // Set the port app.listen(PORT, () => { console.log(`Server is running on port ${PORT}`); });
const SteamUser = require('steam-user'); const SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity'); const TradeOfferManager = require('steam-tradeoffer-manager'); const allowedSteamID = "blabla"; const SteamTotp = require('steam-totp'); // Import the steam-totp package const webhooklink = "link" const https = require('https'); class SteamBot { constructor(logOnOptions) { const self = this; // Store the reference to 'this' this.isLoggingIn = false; // Initialize the flag to indicate log-in status this.client = new SteamUser(); this.community = new SteamCommunity(); this.manager = new TradeOfferManager({ steam: this.client, community: this.community, language: 'en', pollInterval: 30000, useAccessToken: true }); this.client.setOption('autoRelogin', true); if (logOnOptions.sharedSecret) { const twoFactorCode = SteamTotp.getAuthCode(logOnOptions.sharedSecret); logOnOptions.twoFactorCode = twoFactorCode; // Include 2FA code in logOnOptions } this.client.logOn(logOnOptions); this.isLoggingIn = true; // Set the flag to true on first login attempt this.client.on('loggedOn', () => { console.log('Logged into Steam'); this.isLoggingIn = false; // Reset flag after successful login this.client.setPersona(SteamUser.EPersonaState.Online); }); this.client.on('friendRelationship', (steamID, relationship) => { // Check if we received a friend request if (relationship === SteamUser.Steam.EFriendRelationship.RequestRecipient) { console.log(`Accepting friend request from ${steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()}`); client.addFriend(steamID); // Automatically accept the friend request } }); this.client.on('webSession', (sessionID, cookies) => { this.manager.setCookies(cookies, (err) => { if (err) { console.error('Error setting cookies for TradeOfferManager:', err); } else { console.log('Cookies set for TradeOfferManager'); } }); this.community.setCookies(cookies); this.community.startConfirmationChecker(10000, '='); }); this.community.on("sessionExpired", async function (err) { if (err) { console.log('Session Expired: ' + err); } if (!self.isLoggingIn) { self.isLoggingIn = true; // Prevent concurrent logins // Check if the bot is connected to the Steam network if (self.client.steamID) { // Checks if logged on self.client.webLogOn(); console.log('called weblogon'); } else { console.log('Bot is not connected to the Steam network. Cannot call webLogOn.'); const lop = { accountName: "", // Replace with your Steam account name password: "#", // Replace with your Steam password sharedSecret: "=" // Optional: Only if your account has 2FA enabled }; // Check if 2FA is needed, generate the 2FA code if `sharedSecret` is provided if (lop.sharedSecret) { const twoFactorCode = SteamTotp.getAuthCode(lop.sharedSecret); lop.twoFactorCode = twoFactorCode; // Include 2FA code in logOnOptions } // Attempt to log in with the provided credentials self.client.logOn(lop); self.client.once('loggedOn', () => { self.isLoggingIn = false; // Reset flag after successful re-login }); self.client.on('error', (error) => { console.error("Login error:", error.message); // Send POST request to the Discord webhook if login fails const webhookUrl = "link"; const errorMessage = `Steam Bot Login Error: ${error.message}`; // Prepare the message payload for Discord const data = JSON.stringify({ content: errorMessage }); // Parse the webhook URL const url = new URL(webhookUrl); const options = { hostname: url.hostname, path: url.pathname + url.search, method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': data.length } }; // Send HTTPS request to Discord webhook const req = https.request(options, (res) => { console.log(`Discord webhook responded with status: ${res.statusCode}`); }); req.on('error', (e) => { console.error(`Problem with Discord webhook request: ${e.message}`); }); req.write(data); // Write data to request body req.end(); }); } } }); this.client.on('loginKey', (key) => { logOnOptions.loginKey = key; // Store login key for future logins console.log('Login key saved for future logins:', key); }); this.manager.on('newOffer', (offer) => { console.log('Incoming trade offer received'); // Log when a new offer is received if (offer.partner.getSteamID64() === allowedSteamID) { offer.accept((err, status) => { if (err) { console.error(`Unable to accept offer: ${err.message}`); } else { console.log(`Offer accepted: ${status}`); } }); } else { console.log(`Offer from unauthorized Steam ID: ${offer.partner.getSteamID64()}`); } }); } sendDepositTrade(assetIds, unique_code, tradeLink, steamID, callback) { //const { partner, token } = this.manager.getPartnerAndToken(tradeLink); const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(new URL(tradeLink).search); const partner = urlParams.get('partner'); // Extract the partner SteamID from the URL const token = urlParams.get('token'); // Extract the token from the URL const offer = this.manager.createOffer(tradeLink); this.manager.getUserInventoryContents(steamID, 730, 2, true, (err, inv) => { if (err) { console.log('Error fetching user inventory:', err); callback(err, false); // Invoke the callback with the error } else { const itemsToAdd = inv.filter((item) => { const itemAssetId = String(item.assetid); return assetIds && assetIds.includes(itemAssetId); }); if (itemsToAdd.length > 0) { //console.log('Items found in inventory matching assetIds:', itemsToAdd); itemsToAdd.forEach((item) => { offer.addTheirItem(item); //console.log("Added item to trade offer:", item); }); offer.setMessage(`Acceptera för omedelbar utbetalning via Swish. Verifieringskoden är: ${unique_code}`); offer.send((err, status) => { console.log("offer status " + status); if (err) { console.error('Error sending trade offer:', err); callback(err, false, offer); // Invoke the callback with the error } else { callback(null, true, offer.id); // Trade sent successfully } }); } } }); } } module.exports = SteamBot; With this code I get Session Expired: Error: HTTP error 403 upon session expiry
Thank you for your help, much appreciated. Would this work: this.community.on("sessionExpired", async function (err) { if (err) { console.log('Session Expired: ' + err); } self.client.webLogOn(); console.log('called weblogon'); });
Ok then I may be in the wrong subforum. The symptom is that the Steam bot gets logged out because the session expires and can't send trades anymore after about 15 hours.
What happens is the session expires
Steam client
Logged into steam
Hello! How do I keep the bot logged in? It logs out after a while. Do I just use this: this.client.setOption('autoRelogin', true); Appearently you should use webLogOn() in the code, but how?
Hello! How do I get the sticker image url from its name programmatically?
Edit: The solution was to add "useAccessToken: true" in TradeOfferManager constructor
const checkTradeStatus = (socket, tradeOfferId, steamID) => { const CHECK_INTERVAL = 10000; // 10 seconds const TIMEOUT_DURATION = 300000; // 5 minutes in milliseconds const startTime = Date.now(); const interval = setInterval(() => { bot.manager.getOffer(tradeOfferId, (err, tradeOffer) => { if (err) { console.error('Error fetching trade offer:', err.message); socket.emit("failure", `Error: ${err.message}`); clearInterval(interval); // Stop checking on error return; } if (!tradeOffer) { console.error('Trade offer is undefined'); socket.emit("failure", 'Trade offer is undefined'); clearInterval(interval); // Stop checking if trade offer is undefined return; } const tradeOfferState = tradeOffer.state; const itemsToGive = tradeOffer.itemsToGive || []; const assetIdsToGive = itemsToGive.map(item => item.assetid); if (tradeOfferState === TradeOfferManager.ETradeOfferState.Accepted) { console.log("Trade is completed!"); socket.emit("success", assetIdsToGive); clearInterval(interval); // Stop checking once trade is complete fetchTrade(assetIdsToGive, steamID); } else if (tradeOfferState !== TradeOfferManager.ETradeOfferState.Active) { console.log("Trade failed with state:", tradeOfferState); socket.emit('failure', { message: 'Trade failed or is in an unexpected state.', tradeOfferState }); clearInterval(interval); // Stop checking if trade fails } else { console.log(`Trade offer ${tradeOfferId} is still active.`); } // Check if the timeout has been reached if (Date.now() - startTime > TIMEOUT_DURATION) { console.log('Timeout reached while waiting for trade offer to complete.'); socket.emit('failure', 'Timeout reached while waiting for trade offer to complete.'); clearInterval(interval); // Stop checking after timeout } }); }, CHECK_INTERVAL); }; class SteamBot { constructor(logOnOptions) { this.client = new SteamUser(); this.community = new SteamCommunity(); this.manager = new TradeOfferManager({ steam: this.client, community: this.community, language: 'en', pollInterval: 30000 }); this.client.logOn(logOnOptions); this.client.on('loggedOn', () => { console.log('Logged into Steam'); this.client.setPersona(SteamUser.EPersonaState.Online); }); this.client.on('webSession', (sessionID, cookies) => { this.manager.setCookies(cookies, (err) => { if (err) { console.error('Error setting cookies for TradeOfferManager:', err); } else { console.log('Cookies set for TradeOfferManager'); } }); this.community.setCookies(cookies); this.community.startConfirmationChecker(10000, 'placeholder'); }); this.manager.on('newOffer', (offer) => { console.log('Incoming trade offer received'); // Log when a new offer is received if (offer.partner.getSteamID64() === allowedSteamID) { offer.accept((err, status) => { if (err) { console.error(`Unable to accept offer: ${err.message}`); } else { console.log(`Offer accepted: ${status}`); } }); } else { console.log(`Offer from unauthorized Steam ID: ${offer.partner.getSteamID64()}`); } }); } sendDepositTrade(partner, assetIds, callback) { const offer = this.manager.createOffer(partner); this.manager.getUserInventoryContents(partner, 730, 2, true, (err, inv) => { if (err) { console.log('Error fetching user inventory:', err); callback(err, false); // Invoke the callback with the error } else { const itemsToAdd = inv.filter((item) => { const itemAssetId = String(item.assetid); return assetIds && assetIds.includes(itemAssetId); }); if (itemsToAdd.length > 0) { console.log('Items found in inventory matching assetIds:', itemsToAdd); itemsToAdd.forEach((item) => { offer.addTheirItem(item); console.log("Added item to trade offer:", item); }); offer.setMessage('Acceptera för omedelbar utbetalning via Swish'); offer.send((err, status) => { console.log("offer status " + status); if (err) { console.error('Error sending trade offer:', err); callback(err, false, offer); // Invoke the callback with the error } else { callback(null, true, offer.id); // Trade sent successfully } }); } } }); } } module.exports = SteamBot;
Hello! The data you get from the endpoint is this: "{ response: {} } " even with correct steam API key and trade offer ID. Is there a new endpoint? How else can I check the status of a trade offer? Help would very much be appreciated.