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Everything posted by kast0l

  1. The getOffer and getOffers functions only work if there is a steam web api?
  2. Thanks for the answer, one more question, without an api key it’s not possible to use the getOffer method to view information about sent items in a trade? And if not, is it possible to find out information about a trade without an API key?
  3. The trade is successfully sent and confirmed, but then problems arise and I don’t understand why, if the cookies are set correctly async function SteamTrade(client, account, cookies) { const community = new SteamCommunity(); community.setCookies(cookies); const manager = new TradeOfferManager({ steam: client, community: community, language: 'en', }); await confirmTradeOffer(status, community, account.identity_secret); manager.getOffer(offer.id, (err, offerDetails) => { if (err) { console.error(`${offer.id}: ${err}`); reject(err); } else { console.log(`${offer.id} `); const itemsToGive = offerDetails.itemsToGive; console.log( itemsToGive); resolve({offerDetails, itemsToGive}); } }); the error occurs after this block of code
  4. @NickersI figured out what the problem was, I needed to look at the library more carefully, for your case I tested this code and everything was successfully confirmed for me async function confirmTradeOffers(community, identitySecret) { const time = SteamTotp.time(); const confKey = SteamTotp.getConfirmationKey(identitySecret, time, 'conf'); const allowKey = SteamTotp.getConfirmationKey(identitySecret, time, 'allow'); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { community.acceptAllConfirmations(time, confKey, allowKey, (err, confs) => { if (err) { console.error(`Ошибка при подтверждении всех трейдов: ${err}`); reject(`Ошибка подтверждения: ${err}`); } else { console.log(`Все трейды успешно подтверждены. Подтверждено трейдов: ${confs.length}`); resolve(`Трейды подтверждены успешно. Подтверждено трейдов: ${confs.length}`); } }); }); } await confirmTradeOffers(community, account.identity_secret);
  5. @NickersI found something similar to sda, but which works through node.js, the generation of confirmation codes occurs through steam-totp, I added an account to check if the confirmation works there and the confirmation worked, maybe you can take a look you'll find something https://github.com/ost056/SteamAuthTool/blob/main/components/master/steam/confirmation.js
  6. @NickersAny ideas why this works on a server in Europe and doesn’t work on a personal PC in Russia? I’ve just tried everything.And when did this error start appearing?
  7. from maFile I took the key after "identity_secret":
  8. identitySecret in this format JGhCjFThpoOCuCH4...=,time in this format is 1708401621,data about identitySecret is taken from maFille and they are correct, I checked, since trades are successfully confirmed through SDA,confKey in this format DAgRR7dVxGjC9axkJaf3M...=,offerid also match, but I don't understand why this error occurs Error: Invalid authenticator here is part of the code that confirms trades and calls this function async function confirmTradeOffer(community, offer, identitySecret) { const time = SteamTotp.time(); const confKey = SteamTotp.getConfirmationKey(identitySecret, time, 'allow'); console.log(`Подтверждение трейда с следующими данными:`); console.log(`- ID трейда: ${offer.id}`); console.log(`- Время (Unix Timestamp): ${time}`); console.log(`- Ключ подтверждения: ${confKey}`); console.log(`- IdentitySecret: ${identitySecret}`); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { community.acceptConfirmationForObject(offer.id, confKey, (err) => { if (err) { console.error(`Ошибка подтверждения трейда ID ${offer.id}: ${err}`); reject(`Ошибка подтверждения трейда: ${err}`); } else { console.log(`Трейд ID ${offer.id} успешно подтвержден.`); resolve('Трейд подтвержден успешно.'); } }); }); } const confirmResult = await confirmTradeOffer(community, offer, account.identitySecret); console.log(confirmResult); break;
  9. After all the code was executed, I noticed that the command line was being entered with a delay, I decided to measure the time and it turned out that Node.js terminates only after a fixed time of 10 seconds has elapsed
  10. console output: Login: starlivovsky5 completed successfully Total accounts connected: 1 from 1 All accounts are successfully connected. Process Node.js ended with code 0 Function execution time: 10.006s PS C:\Users\Kast0l\Desktop\tetst script> Please help me solve this problem or at least understand what it is const SteamUser = require("steam-user"); const SteamTotp = require("steam-totp"); const accounts = require("./accounts.js"); let totalConnectedAccounts = 0; const logInAccounts = async () => { for (let account of accounts) { const client = new SteamUser const logInOptions = { accountName: account.accountName, password: account.password, twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(account.sharedSecret) }; try { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { client.logOn(logInOptions); client.once("loggedOn", () => { totalConnectedAccounts++; console.log(`Login: ${account.accountName} completed successfully`); resolve(); }); client.once("error", (err) => { console.log(`Ошибка при входе для аккаунта ${account.accountName}: ${err}`); reject(err); }); }); } finally { await client.logOff(); } } console.log(`\nTotal accounts connected: ${totalConnectedAccounts} from ${accounts.length}`); console.log("All accounts are successfully connected."); console.time("Function execution time"); process.on('exit', (code) => { console.log(`Process Node.js ended with code ${code}`); console.timeEnd("Function execution time"); }); }; logInAccounts()
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