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  1. Hi, I need to create a lot of steam accounts for trade botting. How did you solve this problem? I assume that I could build a scraper in nodejs that uses these libs + web-scraping? It's the $5 deposit part that I can't automate right now. Best, danger
  2. I've noticed that the library tries to load the machineAuthToken file but it's never found. The file is never provided to the `save` callback and when the lib tries to read it, it's never there - `machineAuthToken.dangercoder.txt File not found in object storage, returning empty string` Should I expect this file to: A ) Be provided in the `save` callback for all login-types? Or is it only for email 2fa? B ) Try to be loaded via the 'read' callback every time I login? Currently B happens but not A.
  3. Hi, Question I'm using steam-trade-offer manager and Amazon S3 to store the bot files and don't have RW access to the local file system. How can I use a custom file storage and not read/write from disk? My attempts If I set dataDirectory to null (https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user?tab=readme-ov-file#datadirectory) const client = new SteamUser({ dataDirectory: null }); I get this unexpected error - I'm using client.storage.on callbacks to integrate a custom file storage. If I don't set dataDirectory to null, I'm able to login but my node js process crashes since I'm not allowed to mkdir. Best, danger
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