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Everything posted by TechSupport

  1. In order for me to get a lot of floats per second I would need a lot of accounts. What's the best way to make / automate a lot of accounts so that I can start working on this project. (100-1000)
  2. It's a lot of work I don't want to do. Instead I am going to use globaloffensive npm. I have gotten it to work with 5 floats, but that's it. I get 0 errors and I am not sure how to fix it. Here's my code It works with around 5 links then it stops working. If I put 100x the same inspectlink and then 10 unique ones it will do 104 links. It's weird. I hope you're able to help and maybe tell me if there's a way to bulk request floats csgo.on('connectedToGC', () => { console.log('Connected to CS:GO Game Coordinator'); fs.readFile('inspect_links.txt', 'utf8', (err, data) => { console.log("Reading File") if (err) { console.error('Error reading inspect_links.txt:', err); return; } const inspectLinks = data.split('\n').map(link => link.trim()).filter(link => link); // Split by newline, trim whitespace, and filter out empty lines console.log(inspectLinks) const numRequests = inspectLinks.length; // Number of requests to make // Measure start time const startTime = process.hrtime(); // Perform repeated requests try { inspectLinks.forEach((inspectLink, i) => { console.log("Item") csgo.inspectItem(inspectLink, (item) => { console.log("item2") if (item) { const float = item.paintwear; // Assuming paintwear represents the float value console.log(`Float value (${i + 1}):`, float); if (i === numRequests - 1) { // Measure end time when all requests are completed const endTime = process.hrtime(startTime); console.log(`Total time taken: ${endTime[0]} seconds ${endTime[1] / 1000000} milliseconds`); } } else { console.error(`Failed to inspect item (${i + 1})`); } }); }); } catch (err) { console.log(err); }; }); }); M7903329297310948975A37061864046D11863687337479355678 M7284084347070041204A37057504987D11863687337479355678 M7384289439309646801A37065312421D11863687337479355678 M4863399372752009970A37055616057D11863687337479355678 M7384289439309646711A37065089523D11863687337479355678 M7800872405789081739A37059417732D11863687337479355678 M7903329297310948855A37065289802D11863687337479355678 M7800872405789080869A37059428152D11863687337479355678
  3. Recently i've stumbled upon this forum, because of my issue getting thousands of floats every second using inspect links. I tried many things where I wasn't satisfied. Because of that I found csfloat. I feel like this could help me a lot more to get my desired floats, but I do need help. My issue is that I can't seem to figure out how to get / bulk request floats. I found out if I run the index.js I have to go to localhost and I get this error: {"error":"Invalid Inspect Link Structure","code":2,"status":400} So I looked at the github and found that I had to parse the link. So I did and instead it does nothing, but load the entire time. I hope you can give me some feedback or help or an example, because I have been stuck here for a while... https://github.com/csfloat/inspect
  4. So, for the past 8 months I have been trying to bulk request floats of like 1000 inspect links every second. While doing one inspect 1000 times is fine. Whenever I bulk request with 1000 different ones, things tend to go mayhem. I get max 4-5 floats depending on how I choose which floats are first. As example: M7800872405789066379A37059871447D11863687337479355678 M7903329297310948975A37061864046D11863687337479355678 M7284084347070041204A37057504987D11863687337479355678 M7384289439309646801A37065312421D11863687337479355678 M4863399372752009970A37055616057D11863687337479355678 M7384289439309646711A37065089523D11863687337479355678 M7800872405789081739A37059417732D11863687337479355678 M7903329297310948855A37065289802D11863687337479355678 M7800872405789080869A37059428152D11863687337479355678 returns: Float value (1): 0.13861724734306335 Float value (4): 0.12481389194726944 Float value (7): 0.1271217167377472 Float value (2): 0.11473843455314636 but, by changing a few links around it sometimes is able to get more. I find this very interesting and get no further error. The only error I have gotten somehow after leaving it running for hours is: Steam error: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND api.steampowered.com at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (node:dns:108:26) { errno: -3008, code: 'ENOTFOUND', syscall: 'getaddrinfo', hostname: 'api.steampowered.com' }. Which can be due to me running it on school Wi-fi. I haven't been able to found a fix to bulk request floats but I hope someone here can help me. csgo.on('connectedToGC', () => { console.log('Connected to CS:GO Game Coordinator'); fs.readFile('inspect_links.txt', 'utf8', (err, data) => { console.log("Reading File") if (err) { console.error('Error reading inspect_links.txt:', err); return; } const inspectLinks = data.split('\n').map(link => link.trim()).filter(link => link); // Split by newline, trim whitespace, and filter out empty lines console.log(inspectLinks) const startTime = process.hrtime(); try { inspectLinks.forEach((inspectLink, i) => { console.log("Item") csgo.inspectItem(inspectLink, (item) => { console.log("item2") if (item) { const float = item.paintwear; console.log(`Float value (${i + 1}):`, float); if (i === numRequests - 1) { // Measure end time when all requests are completed const endTime = process.hrtime(startTime); console.log(`Total time taken: ${endTime[0]} seconds ${endTime[1] / 1000000} milliseconds`); } } else { console.error(`Failed to inspect item (${i + 1})`); } }); }); } catch (err) { console.log(err); }; }); }); Where InspectLinks is just a TXT with 100 different inspect links looking like this: M7903329297310948855A37065289802D11863687337479355678 M4863399372752009970A37055616057D11863687337479355678 M7800872405789066379A37059871447D11863687337479355678 +97 more lines.
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