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Everything posted by researcher
How do I get unread messages in Steam chat? Like it's implemented in actual Steam chat? Thanks.
I login with this simple code: await session.startWithCredentials({ accountName: acc.accountName, password: acc.password, steamGuardCode: SteamTotp.getAuthCode(auths[acc.accountName]) }); But it throws an error saying: Malformed login response It used to work perfectly for many weeks, but today I found out that it throws an error.
Does this line renews refresh token and makes the set one invalid? session.refreshToken = 'eyAidHlwIjogIkpXVCIsICJhbGciOiAiRWREU0EiIH0.eyJpc3MiOiJ...';
I don't know if you can get an access token directly with node-steam-user, but you can at least listen to 'webSession' event, get cookies and find steamLoginSecure there. steamLoginSecure actually contains access token, so you can extract it. Format of steamLoginSecure is `steamId + "%7C%7C" + accessToken`
Sorry to bother you, but my question is related to exactly this one endpoint, not the whole Steam protocol. I checked github and copied exactly the same, and among those that work I could not find any that uses query parameters, they are all based on protocol buffers. I was able to figure out how to create the entire authentication flow based on guard code (with query parameters). But this one endpoint looks problematic. Happy new year. Thanks.
Thanks for the reference. I want to do it with the simple http request and came to this: fetch( 'https://api.steampowered.com/IAuthenticationService/GenerateAccessTokenForApp/v1/', { method: 'POST', headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }, body: new URLSearchParams({ refresh_token: refreshToken, steamid: id, }).toString() } ) refreshToken variable holds normal refresh token, like the one received in steam-user 'refreshToken' event. id variable holds 64-bit Steam ID. But I'm getting empty result: {"response":{}} And in the header I'm getting 'x-eresult': '63' when I call fetch for the first time, but 'x-eresult': '15' when I call it for the second time (with the same refresh token). Thanks.
Hello, is there any way I can login with refresh token with Steam Web API-s? I found how to log in with account name, password and guard code here https://steamwebapi.azurewebsites.net/, but I can't see how can I log in with refresh token alone. I now that steam-user does this with Steam network, but I'm interested in Steam Web solution. Thanks.
Hi there. Is there any simple way to get steam web session? like cookies and session with hitting some web endpoints? The thing is I can't use JS (and node-steam-user) for some reason and only thing I want is just to get the web session. I was wondering if there is any way by communicating to Steam through the web instead of with protocol buffers. Thanks.
Hi there. Is there any simple way to get steam web session? like cookies and session with hitting some web endpoints? The thing is I can't use JS (and node-steam-user) for some reason and only thing I want is just to get the web session. I was wondering if there is any way by communicating to Steam through the web instead of with protocol buffers. Thanks.
Just checked the GetFriendList endpoint out and turns out having friends list on public is a requirement there. I wanted to check my friends only, seems like providing apiKey doesn't authenticate me so I still can't see my own friends 'cause I have it on private. Is there any other way to get friend_since?
Should I use normal fetch for this or is there any functionality available that does apiKey embedding under the hood? Thanks.
Not related but interested. Can I somehow check with your libraries how long I've been friends with someone? I know that I can see that information in the trade window.
Great. Also, can I use the same refresh tokens to log in with two different instances of steam-user?
Hi there. Is there any way to somehow save login info after once logging into Steam account to use for logging again with node-steam-user? For example like Steam works on browser, you login once and you are logged in for very long time. Like generating some logging info, saving it for later, then passing it to node-steam-user instance and you are logged in without actually authenticating from scratch again. I want to login instantly, like with minimal delay to be able to use node-steam-user normally.
Is there any library to craft all badges with steam trading cards to increase Steam level?
Hello! How can I use cookie to login to Steam in Chrome? More specifically, if I export cookie from one Steam account why can't I use it if I import it in new browser instance? What should I change in cookie to make it useful in the future (after closing current browser instance)? Logging in with cookie looks like a standard in Steam community, but I can't find any info regarding that. There only a few libraries. Thanks so much.