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Everything posted by mjavad_mllw

  1. Hi guys, whats the steam endpoint to get user items? i mean i know this https://steamcommunity.com/inventory/765xxxxxxxxx/440/2 but this wont send all details in one array description and items are seperate im looking for an endpoint to get all details of an item in one single array ex: something like getInventoryContents method in steamcommunitycomminuty module
  2. Hi Guys i was looking for an endpoint to get steam currency rates is there an endpoint? steam or third party api anything that i can use is good
  3. thanks for reply you mean i should login again or get a new refreshToken with renewRefreshToken?
  4. Hey i just trying to find out how many times can i use a refreshToken made by steam_session to login via steam_user into steam? and what should we do to login again into steam_user if my refreshToken got expired or not valid anymore?
  5. hi i have some code that send me log after each trade has been accepted i tested my code and it only send me message only after i accepted a trade that has TF2 items in it i tried with steam and cs2 items but it wont work and i dont know why can you help me? manager.on('sentOfferChanged', (offer, oldState) => { if (offer.state === 3) { // do sth .... } }); manager.on('receivedOfferChanged', (offer, oldState) => { if (offer.state === 3) { // do sth .... } });
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