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  1. Is there any current way of redeeming Steam Gift cards via steam-user or steam-community? steam-user method redeemKey seems to only work with game keys and not gift cards.
  2. Sweet. I've been testing both of them and both seem to do the job well. But as you said, since it closely mimics the real use case scenario, I'll stick with steamcommunity. Another question, is there any way of checking if an account has Steam Guard mobile enabled? I noticed that the variable timestampTwoFactorEnabled is null whenever the account doesn't have Steam Guard enabled, but I'm not sure if it is reliable since it maybe turns not null when the account has Steam Guard via email (?). My goal would be to attempt to login into the account and prompt the user to enable 2FA mobile if the account doesn't have it. Thanks in advance.
  3. I can see that SteamUser provides enableTwoFactor and finalizeTwoFactor methods but there is also an example on node-steamcommunity (enable_twofactor.js) using the method enableTwoFactor that seems to do the same thing. What's the current correct way of enabling Steam Guard 2FA? Update: From what I understood node-steamcommunity uses now node-steam-session internally to process the login mechanism. Since I wish to use proxies, is steam-user better to enable the 2FA?
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