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McKay Development


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Everything posted by Entity

  1. And the last question, how can you get the total price of the items that a person threw?
  2. He can accept shirop, from 1 item? I apologize if I write with mistakes, I use a translator, but everything worked, thank you!
  3. Items from cs 2, from 1 to 5-9, are accepted only when I restart the program, and then rarely
  4. Use examples /storehouse-steam.js The script started and I threw a trade, nothing happens, time passes about 10 minutes, nothing, if I restart the script, it from 1 to 4 attempts, still accepts the trade, tried different options, it works only after restarting, sometimes even a walldown comes 30min I need him to accept trades, always, even when 1 arrives, etc., please help, maybe I'm doing something wrong? C:\SteamBotsTrade>node bot.js Logged into Steam Cookies set
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