Hello All.
I have started to develop a steam bot that uses the "node-steamcommunity" and "node-tf2" packages, but upon logging in to the bot with a Steam account - the account used becomes locked by Steam Support and when viewing the profile used by the bot while logged into Steam shows the message "Steam Support suspects your account may have been accessed by someone else. We are temporarily forcing your profile private as a security precaution. Please contact Steam Support so we can assist you. "
This issue only occurs when i login with the bot. The bot performs nothing at the moment besides logging into Steam and setting the account as "EPersonaState.Online" and playing Team Fortress 2 in the "loggedOn" event.
Here are my login options used by the bot:
const SteamLoginOptions = {
accountName: env.steam.username,
password: env.steam.password,
twoFactorCode: Steam2FA.generateAuthCode(env.steam.sharedSecret),
dataDirectory: 'C:/steam_data',
savePollData: true,
machineIdFormat: SteamUser.EMachineIDType.PersistentRandom
Please help in figuring out what i am doing wrong, this is getting quite annoying as i have already contacted Steam Support various times to unlock the account used by the bot.