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  1. Hi, I am trying to auto craft Vaccinators on start and when a new trade offer is accepted. // craftVaccinators.ts import Bot from '../../Bot'; export default function craftVaccinators(bot: Bot): Promise<void> { return new Promise(resolve => { if (!bot.options.crafting.weapons.enable) { return resolve(); } const inventory = bot.inventoryManager.getInventory; const quickFix = inventory.currenciesFindBySKU('411;6'); const reclaimed = inventory.currenciesFindBySKU('5001;6'); const amountToCraft = Math.min(Math.trunc(quickFix.length / 3), reclaimed.length); for (let i = 0; i < amountToCraft; i++) { bot.tf2gc.craftVaccinators(); } return resolve(); }); } I am calling craftVaccinators at onReady and onTradeOfferChanged // MyHandler.ts if (this.isCraftingManual === false) { // Smelt / combine metal keepMetalSupply(this.bot, this.minimumScrap, this.minimumReclaimed, this.combineThreshold); // Craft duplicate weapons craftDuplicateWeapons(this.bot) .then(() => { return craftClassWeapons(this.bot).then(() => { return craftVaccinators(this.bot); }); }) .catch(err => { log.warn('Failed to craft duplicated craft/class weapons', err); }); } Which create jobs handled by handleCraftVaccinators // TF2GC.ts private handleCraftVaccinators(job: Job): void { const inventory = this.bot.inventoryManager.getInventory; const assetids1 = inventory.findBySKU('411;6', true).filter(assetid => !this.bot.trades.isInTrade(assetid)); const assetids2 = inventory.findBySKU('5001;6', true).filter(assetid => !this.bot.trades.isInTrade(assetid)); if (assetids1.length < 3 || assetids2.length < 1) { return this.finishedProcessingJob(new Error("Can't process job")); } const ids = [...assetids1.splice(0, 3), ...assetids2.splice(0, 1)]; log.debug('Sending vaccinator craft request'); this.bot.tf2.craft(ids); const gainSKU = '998;6'; this.listenForEvent( 'craftingComplete', (recipe: number, itemsGained: string[]) => { log.debug('itemsGained', itemsGained); if (itemsGained.length > 0) { // Remove items used for recipe ids.forEach(assetid => inventory.removeItem(assetid)); // Add items gained itemsGained.forEach(assetid => inventory.addItem(gainSKU, assetid)); } this.finishedProcessingJob(); }, err => { this.finishedProcessingJob(err); } ); } My issue is that most of the time, craftingComplete is emitted but the Vaccinator has not been crafted and itemsGained is empty. Any idea what I am doing wrong ? Thanks.
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