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  1. Past hour
  2. I've upgraded to the latest package and my types say that the steamTradeOfferManagerr does not have the `useAccessToken` property. Any ideas? The event listener just literally doesn't listen for new trades all of a sudden lmfao
  3. Today
  4. Yesterday
  5. Hi guys. Just wanted to share my frustration with the globaloffensive package. How hard it was to connect to the game client, taking me over 4 weeks of part time development and in the end, reading the source code for csfloat/inspect to make it work! for it to no longer be needed (we are running csfloat in docker directly now) P.S: Jokes aside, thanks a lot doc. the packages are amazing, ALL of them. Wishing you the best ❤️
  6. You need to report that you're in CS2 by calling user.gamesPlayed(730), then complete the GC handshaking process before sending any other GC messages. For CS, this is sending ClientHello (4006) with the proper version number and waiting for ClientWelcome (4004) in response. You can check node-globaloffensive for reference.
  7. after few hours i start bot again it working well but after i restart it 429 again
  8. Ive try to using steam trade offer manager event: OfferList then nothing happen so i use pollingFailure to check error and i get 429 Error and sometime 403 and showing "Please verify your <pre>key=</pre> parameter." <html><head><title>Forbidden</title></head><body><h1>Forbidden</h1>Access is denied. Retrying will not help. Please verify your <pre>key=</pre> parameter.</body></html> I also try to set manager.apikey = CONFIG.STEAMAPIKEY; before setCookies and also remove pollingInterval out manager = new TradeOfferManager({ steam: refloow, language: "en", useAccessToken: !CONFIG.STEAMAPIKEY, // pollInterval: 30 * 1000, // pollFullUpdateInterval: 150000, cancelTime: 15 * 60 * 1000, // 15 minutes in ms }), ps. I wait 10 hours and still get 429 , 403
  9. import { CDataGCCStrike15_v2_MatchInfo, CMsgGCCStrike15_v2_MatchList, CMsgGCCStrike15_v2_MatchListRequestFullGameInfo, CMsgGCCStrike15_v2_MatchListRequestRecentUserGames, } from "csgo-protobuf"; import SteamUser from "steam-user"; const payload = new CMsgGCCStrike15_v2_MatchListRequestFullGameInfo({ matchid: 3679454899302563903n, outcomeid: 3679460199292207251n, token: 16014, }); const user = new SteamUser(); user.logOn({ accountName: "forum_win", password: "" }); user.on("debug", msg => { console.log("DEBUG", msg); }); user.on("error", msg => { console.log("error", msg); }); user.on("disconnected", (e, m) => console.log("DISCONNECTED", e, m)); user.on("loggedOn", () => { //https://github.com/SteamDatabase/Protobufs/blob/master/csgo/cstrike15_gcmessages.proto#L41 //https://steamdb.info/app/730/info/ user.sendToGC(730, 9147, {}, Buffer.from(payload.toBinary())); }); user.on("receivedFromGC", (appid, msgType, payload) => { console.log(`Received message ${msgType} from GC ${appid} with ${payload.length} bytes`); }); user.on("appQuit", () => { console.log(`quit!!!`); }); Following logic found: https://github.com/akiver/boiler-writter/blob/main/boiler-writter/main.cpp https://github.com/akiver/boiler-writter/blob/main/boiler-writter/CSGOMatchList.cpp https://github.com/akiver/boiler-writter/blob/main/boiler-writter/CSGOClient.cpp Trying to leverage steam-user to call protobuf GC, but never receinving receivedFromGC event. Using the @types as well. Tried stepping through and have had no luck. Wondering if there's just a miss in the implementation. Tried encoding the protobuf payload using a few different npm libs such as protobufjs and copying proto from: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/Protobufs/blob/master/csgo/cstrike15_gcmessages.proto#L41 Any direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!pre widget
  10. Last week
  11. What does that mean? I'm using VPN + proxies but everything was ok before with that
  12. Sounds like someone with control of your network is trying to modify traffic.
  13. Today i tried to run my steam app, and got error after 20 min of using app. The error i have is Error:1C800064:Provied routnies::bad decrypt. So every time i open my app after 20 min a get this unhandled error. Last month everything was ok. Error happens in steam-user .read_message and after that in steam-crypto.
  14. I don't believe you can get non-game badges or your account's creation time via steam-user. You'll need to use the WebAPI.
  15. How can I get steam Years of Service badge level of the logged account? i'm talking about this badge - https://steamdb.info/badge/1/ I have seen client.getGameBadgeLevel but it only works for a specific appId
  16. i do know what an error code 503 means but the main question is how to handle this like to i implement a back off strat or like call log on again how should i handlethi because the script just stops at that point when the 503 comes
  17. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user?tab=readme-ov-file#error The 'error' event.
  18. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/503
  19. I apologize for my dumb question sir, but I haven't found it anywhere else. What is the specific error that I should listen for when I need to logOn again? ATM I'm only using community.on("sessionExpired") to call webLogon to refresh the cookies on community and trade manager, with the client.on("webSession") event btw.
  20. getting this error idk y this is caused and how to handle this C:\New folder\node_modules\steamcommunity\components\http.js:108 err = new Error("HTTP error " + response.statusCode); ^ Error: HTTP error 503 at SteamCommunity._checkHttpError (C:\New folder\node_modules\steamcommunity\components\http.js:108:9) at Request._callback (C:\New folder\node_modules\steamcommunity\components\http.js:50:61) at self.callback (C:\New folder\node_modules\request\request.js:185:22) at Request.emit (node:events:519:28) at Request.<anonymous> (C:\New folder\node_modules\request\request.js:1154:10) at Request.emit (node:events:519:28) at Gunzip.<anonymous> (C:\New folder\node_modules\request\request.js:1076:12) at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:633:28) at Gunzip.emit (node:events:519:28) at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1696:12) { code: 503 } Node.js v21.7.1
  21. Got it, yeah I'm using the SteamUser instance in the constructor, so I'll leave it as default. Thank you very much!
  22. If you're passing an instance of SteamUser in to the constructor, I recommend you don't poll more frequently than every 30 seconds (30000). And you shouldn't be running full updates more frequently than every 2 minutes (120000). In other words, the defaults are fine.
  23. Hey! I'm having issues polling the trade offers, it usually works when I start the bot but not when I send a trade offer while the bot is running. This is my tradeOfferManager config: this.tradeOfferManager = new TradeOfferManager({ steam: this.client, community: this.community, language: "en", pollInterval: 1000, pollFullUpdateInterval: 2000, cancelTime: 600000 }); Any ideas or suggestions? Update: Added a "pollFailure" listener and I am now seeing this error: Error: HTTP error 429 What's the recommended poll interval for trade offers to prevent exceeding this limit? Thanks!
  24. Earlier
  25. You can't use OpenID with steam-user.
  26. I don't believe I've ever seen this happen.
  27. { provider: 'steam', type: 'oauth', providerAccountId: '76561198073023481', id_token: '#x###x##-#xx#-###x-####-#########xxx', access_token: '#x##xx##-xx#x-##x#-x##x-xxx##x##x#x#', steamId: '76561198073023481', name: '2JZ 4U', email: '[email protected]', picture: 'https://avatars.steamstatic.com/4dc49709d597bead9ebfbca0debf2bbe3f646b76_full.jpg', sub: '76561198073023481', id: '76561198073023481', image: 'https://avatars.steamstatic.com/4dc49709d597bead9ebfbca0debf2bbe3f646b76_full.jpg', iat: 1714362671, exp: 1716954671, jti: 'x#xx#xx#-#x##-#x#x-#xxx-xx###xxx###x' } To speed things up I've included a sample payload received from my OpenID auth provider. I've replaced the tokens with x for any letter [a-z] and # for any digit [0-9]
  28. I have an OpenID 2.0 provider that handles authentication with steam. This ensures my users don't have to trust me nor themselves with their credentials. I'm wanting to plug this into steam-user. I've tried everything I can think of.
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