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  1. Last week
  2. I have treated the error on my end I was calling the send offer without checking partner so I fixed it I am suggesting that the error should be handled gracefully as u have written the error message but instead it crashes code Respectfully,
  3. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager/wiki/TradeOfferManager#getofferid-callback
  4. You're treating the symptom, not the cause. There's no scenario where this.partner should be undefined or otherwise invalid unless you're doing something wrong.
  5. thanks, I have already got secret by using the example-code(enable-twofactor.js) of node-steam-community.
  6. Greetings, is there any way to get invisible items from steam inventory after last update?
  7. brother it is contained in the mafile created by SDA or setting up the account auth using the DR.mckay libraries (never used this way)
  8. i am very sorry for the late reply it seemslike the the error was happening when i was calling the sendoffer function with in valid or incomplete details but instead of showing what was the cause it was crashing the program with the above error so i adjusted the main if statement on the new trade offer to if (!this.partner?.isValid || !this.partner?.isValid() || this.partner?.type != SteamID.Type.INDIVIDUAL) { throw new Error("Invalid input SteamID " + this.partner); } in this way we safely access or try to access the contents and dosent crashes the program
  9. Steam has this endpoint https://api.steampowered.com/IEconService/GetTradeOffer/ that giving information about a trade offer. I just need to check stat of a tradeoffer. I have a cron that check from database trades with statuses that are in pending more than 5 minutes and to finish transaction in my system I should check what happened with the trade. Was automatically canceled or was not accepted or is in pending for some reason. Has steam-tradeoffer-manager a method that will give me information about a trade by trade number?
  10. steam-session is a Node.js module, not a browser module.
  11. I have the such same noob question !! Could you tell me what you read ? thank a lot!
  12. The steam-session uses the protobufjs/codegen module, which internally evaluates strings as JavaScript code. This causes errors in browser extensions because of strict security settings. Here's the full error trace: Some related issues i found on github: https://github.com/protobufjs/protobuf.js/issues/593 https://github.com/protobufjs/protobuf.js/issues/1483
  13. So I figured out what the problem was. I had a single file for refresh token and when I switched bots locally it would use refresh token of another bot and won't even realize it's logged into different account. So when it came to confirming listings idenity_secret didn't match...
  14. ?? What does this have to do with steam-session?
  15. Show how you're creating a trade offer (new TradeOffer(...))
  16. If you don't have the user's SteamID at all in any form, no.
  17. if have no clue what this error means it started coming suddenly my account is fine E:\Bots\node_modules\steam-tradeoffer-manager\lib\classes\TradeOffer.js:19 if (!this.partner.isValid || !this.partner.isValid() || this.partner.type != SteamID.Type.INDIVIDUAL) { ^ TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'isValid') at new TradeOffer (E:\Bots\node_modules\steam-tradeoffer-manager\lib\classes\TradeOffer.js:19:20) at TradeOfferManager.createOffer (E:\Bots\node_modules\steam-tradeoffer-manager\lib\index.js:506:14) at sendOffer (E:\Bots\Autoconfirmbot\mainimprovements.js:168:25) at WebSocket.incoming (E:\Bots\Autoconfirmbot\modules\shadowpaysell.js:116:17) at WebSocket.emit (node:events:520:28) at Receiver.receiverOnMessage (E:\Bots\node_modules\ws\lib\websocket.js:1209:20) at Receiver.emit (node:events:520:28) at Receiver.dataMessage (E:\Bots\node_modules\ws\lib\receiver.js:594:14) at Receiver.getData (E:\Bots\node_modules\ws\lib\receiver.js:496:10) at Receiver.startLoop (E:\Bots\node_modules\ws\lib\receiver.js:167:16) Node.js v22.1.0
  18. can i create a trade offer with only the trade token of a user the website endpoint doesnot provide the steam id 32 or steam id 64 i an looking at this but we are still giving the steam id of user var offer = manager.createOffer(new TradeOfferManager.SteamID("76561198006409530"), "KYworVTM"); // trade token provided
  19. Hi, I'm developing a Chrome extension related to the Steam and have encountered a blocking issue with the Content Security Policy. The error message is: I'd like to know if there's any planned support or existing workarounds for environments with strict security policies, such as those in newer Chrome extension versions.
  20. GetTradeHistory does appear to accept an access token to retrieve all trades.
  21. Earlier
  22. Is there a way to get information about score for each team and account side in the current competitive match? Or maybe there are some other tools for this?
  23. Hi guys. After last updates related to GetOffers etc I find out that IEconService/GetTradeHistory api endpoint does not return all trades. As far as I see this is the only option how to get trades history and this endpoint only accept api key. What am I missing? Do you have any tips how we can get full trades history of account now?
  24. mind sharing the code ur statement is too vague
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