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McKay Development

Dr. McKay

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  1. Dr. McKay's post in How Can I Get The Offer Link Using Offer Object was marked as the answer   
    https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/ + offer.id
  2. Dr. McKay's post in Typescript? was marked as the answer   
    Not as far as I'm aware.
  3. Dr. McKay's post in How Can I Check A Trade Offer is Successfully Accepted was marked as the answer   
  4. Dr. McKay's post in Explanation of EFriendRelationship enums was marked as the answer   
    I'm not 100% certain, but I think:
    Blocked = You blocked them IgnoredFriend = They're a friend, and you blocked them SuggestedFriend = Dunno, maybe unused Max = Not a real value, just the maximum that enum goes up to
  5. Dr. McKay's post in Can't get market_hash_name in trade was marked as the answer   
    You need to set a language in the constructor.
  6. Dr. McKay's post in checking if a trade offer is sent from a guy with tradehold? was marked as the answer   
  7. Dr. McKay's post in script stopped randomly was marked as the answer   
    That generally happens when there's no longer anything happening in the script. For example: it got disconnected from Steam and there wasn't anything reconnecting or something.
  8. Dr. McKay's post in Account id was marked as the answer   
    Of the account you're logged into? client.steamID.accountid
  9. Dr. McKay's post in Error: Not Logged In was marked as the answer   
    It's coming from whatever you tried to do that failed because you weren't logged in. The sessionExpired event gets emitted after "Not Logged In" gets returned from some request you made. It doesn't proactively check.
  10. Dr. McKay's post in What is `version` in `json_tradeoffer` was marked as the answer   
    It means nothing. It's a remnant from real-time trades where every time the trade updates, that's a new "version".
  11. Dr. McKay's post in loading someones inventory was marked as the answer   
    You could always use node-steamcommunity's getUserInventoryContents, which is what steam-tradeoffer-manager calls anyway.
  12. Dr. McKay's post in New way of accepting confirmations? was marked as the answer   
    The event is still there, but it's deprecated and you're highly discouraged from using it.
    You should be using acceptConfirmationForObject.
  13. Dr. McKay's post in Cannot update profile privacy & settings was marked as the answer   
    Sorry about that, update to 3.35.1 and it should be good to go.
  14. Dr. McKay's post in automaticly join steam group upon invite was marked as the answer   
    That will only respond to invitations that come in while the bot is running. If the invitation was already there when you started up, it won't emit groupRelationship. You want to also check myGroups.
  15. Dr. McKay's post in Opening boosters? was marked as the answer   
    There is not, presently. You'd need to make the HTTP request that the browser makes to open one.
  16. Dr. McKay's post in How do I send a message to a user was marked as the answer   
    args.length will always be at least 1.
  17. Dr. McKay's post in Steam Group Member Kick was marked as the answer   
    The first parameter to kickGroupMember needs to be a SteamID object.
  18. Dr. McKay's post in TypeError: Cannot read property 'addTheirItems' of undefined was marked as the answer   
    offers.offer isn't valid. You need to use offers.createOffer which returns an offer object.
  19. Dr. McKay's post in Capsule and Case Key was marked as the answer   
    Nope, you pretty much just have to check the name for "Case Key".
  20. Dr. McKay's post in Creating multiple trading bots. Problem: bot tries to accept tradeoffer from other bots was marked as the answer   
    Move your client, community, manager, logOnOptions declarations inside of the Bot function.
  21. Dr. McKay's post in Getting sent offers and cancel them? was marked as the answer   
  22. Dr. McKay's post in getTradeURL & changeTradeURL was marked as the answer   
    You're adding an event listener named getTradeURL, not calling a method. community.getTradeURL(...
  23. Dr. McKay's post in Group Announcement Not Posting was marked as the answer   
    You're doing async wrong. You need to put your postGroupAnnouncement call into the webSession event (which is also misspelled, you're missing a capital S) after the setCookies call.
  24. Dr. McKay's post in What is the rate limit for sending trades? was marked as the answer   
    I don't think anyone knows an exact limit but I think you should be safe if you keep it to 1 second between trade sends. As long as you aren't perpetually sending trades at that speed, you should be fine.
  25. Dr. McKay's post in Asking for steam guard code after few hours working was marked as the answer   
    If you want the steamGuard event to work, you need to set the promptSteamGuardCode option to false.
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