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  1. As I am only using node-steamcommunity to get the session, will the event fire as I am not doing anything to cause any HTTP requests?
  2. After around 50 hours of my server starting I get 'Error: Not Logged In' when trying to send trade offers, I would assume this is because Steam has let my cookies expire (or just killed them because they hate me). Is there a way to detect when the session is no longer valid so I can create a new one? or is it better to refresh them on a timer every hour or so? (I am using node-steamcommunity) Thanks in advance.
  3. It isn't the bots that are causing the performance issues but building the dynamic pages and other relatively CPU intensive tasks. So you would recommend having a single instance my Bot Manager and access it over IPC?
  4. If you were create a MVC app in Node then what would be the point in having PHP at all? Maybe use Apache or Nginx to serve static content or something, but it seems like PHP would be a bit useless if you were doing everything in Node anyway.
  5. I have a 'BotManager' that loads bots from a JSON file. Currently I only have 4 bots, but depending on the success of the site this will be increased. I would like to have a bit of room for expansion so I am trying to design everything to work with 20+ bots.
  6. After some scalability issues with my site I decided to make the most of multiple cores and use Cluster to create many worker processes. It makes no sense to log in and poll on every worker process, so I would like to create and share a single instance of the Tradeoffer Manager between all workers. Is sharing a single instance Tradeoffer Manager the best way to do this? Are there any features of Tradeoffer Manager that would let me use multiple instances on every worker, but not waste resources logging in and polling on each one? If sharing a single instance is the best way to go, then what is a good way to be able to access it from the workers? I would rather use a callback-style interface if possible. Thanks in advance.
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