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  1. I am using this library var Steam = require('steam'); //use npm install [email protected] - this code isn't compatible with the latest version. var SteamTradeOffers = require('steam-tradeoffers'); //use npm install [email protected] - this code isn't compatible with the latest version.var mysql = require('mysql'); and getting offer.setup error , i update my steam-trade offer library from 1.2.3 library . and now getting this error before this i used steam tradeoffer library and got thie error steamcommunity.read. i wanna set up my bot . any solution please. would u provide me.
  2. When i am using offer.make offer function var offer = { partnerAccountId: 76561198361006906, accessToken: "F8Rnh10I", itemsFromThem: [{ appid: 730, contextid: 2, amount: 1, assetid: "9710052624" }], itemsFromMe: [], message: "Hello! Checkout what I'm offering You ;)"};offers.makeOffer(offer, function(err, result){ // 2. callback function that will handle result of makeOffer if (err) { console.log(err); //return; } console.log(result); }); i am getting error this._requestCommunity.get(requestParams, function(error, response, body) { ^ TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined like this how can i solve this ? any solution for this ??
  3. i am generating offer id using node js but i am getting error 26 like { [Error: There was an error sending your trade offer. Please try again later. (26)] eresult: 26 } this. for some product while on other site there is generating offer id like csgoreaper for same products . what is problem I am unable to find the solution . let me help to find the solution.
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