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Everything posted by mantelis123

  1. I started the bot, turned off my wifi and after 30 seconds turned it on again. Then the bot connected to Steam immediately, there was no need to call "login" function in "disconnected" event because I have found in steam-user documentation that bot automatically logs in when it is disconnected from Steam: http://prntscr.com/fkv1oj But the problem is that when my bot goes offline, it doesn't log in back again and starts spamming "Session expired. Reconnecting...", but never fully reconnects: http://prntscr.com/fktl8y client.on('disconnected', function(eresult, msg) { console.log('Disconnected.'); if (typeof eresult !== 'undefined') { console.log('EResult: ' + eresult); } if (typeof msg !== 'undefined') { console.log('Message: ' + msg); } }); community.on('sessionExpired', function(err) { console.log('Session expired. Reconnecting...'); client.webLogOn(); });
  2. I currently don't have this event because I tough that steam-community event "sessionExpired" would be enough. When this event fires, I call steam-user client.webLogOn(), but this night I've noticed that when "sessionExpired" event gets called, it starts reconnecting, but doesn't fully reconnect: http://prntscr.com/fktl8y In this case my bot turns offline again and I have to restart it. I will try to add "disconnected" event, but what function exactly should I write there? Delete and re-create the session (client.webLogOn()) or totally log off from steam user and login again?
  3. Hello, I own a trade bot. This evening I have noticed that my bot began to behave strangely. It starts disconnecting from Steam and changes its status to offline. Logs are totally clean. No errors. Also, I am using a function "webLogOn" to destroy expired session and re-create it. Do you have any suggestions?
  4. What about checking offer state with getOffer(id, callback) after accepting it?
  5. Is there any other way to check if offer was accepted or not? Because it takes too long..
  6. Is it true that then offer will be accepted in ~1 minute?
  7. Hello, i have a problem which happens not so often but it is very annoying. My jackpot bot tried to accept one offer and got this message "Error: Cannot load new trade data: Data temporarily unavailable", then tried to accept offer one more time and got another message "[Error: There was an error accepting this trade offer. Please try again later. (11)] eresult: 11". Offer was accepted but items didn't come into pot.
  8. Hey, when i try to send 2 offers with the same item (for example it's a csgo key) and if one offer is accepted, the other one gets a steam error "items now unavailable for trade". I have more than 2 csgo keys in my inventory. What should i do? Save assetids in mysql or something else?
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