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  1. Sorry if this has already been asked before.. ik it can get quite annoying but im running into this issue with my session expiration. I have the following code that I saw someone post to re-login. community.on('sessionExpired', function(err) { if (err) { console.log('sessionExpired: '+err); } console.log("Re-Logging in to Steam..."); community.stopConfirmationChecker(); client.logOn(logOnOptions); }); However when it hit that code it gave the following output.. /home/node_modules/steam-user/components/web.js:9 throw new Error("Cannot log onto steamcommunity.com without first being connected to Steam network"); ^ Error: Cannot log onto steamcommunity.com without first being connected to Steam network Again sorry if this has already been asked..i've been looking around for quite some time now but all I see is.. "You have to just re-login" But just saying that doesn't really help me understand. I'd be greatful for a useful response! Thanks
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