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Everything posted by nikoF

  1. The confusion is, that if I'm sleeping at that time or not near my PC, and if the steam goes down, then the node on vpn goes down too at that time,so the bot will remain offline till I start the node again.
  2. so how am I able to not go into that method, if I get an error when steam is down? SteamUser.prototype.webLogOn = function() { // Verify logged on if (!this.steamID) { throw new Error("Cannot log onto steamcommunity.com without first being connected to Steam network"); } // Verify not anonymous user if (this.steamID.type != SteamID.Type.INDIVIDUAL) { throw new Error('Must not be anonymous user to use webLogOn (check to see you passed in valid credentials to logOn)') } this._send(SteamUser.EMsg.ClientRequestWebAPIAuthenticateUserNonce, {});}; should I put something like emit on the first if condition? Or you got some different ideas how to solve the problem?
  3. Is this part wrong? client.webLogOn(); // I put this in order to do webLogon again, not sure if necessary Cause it doesn't get into this part tho as I see, because of the console.log() before that line which I am not able to see in the console. Or you are talking about SessionExpired part? My mind is messed up at the moment.
  4. So this is the error from console. When my session expires, I use this code to come back on track: community.on('sessionExpired', (ERR) => {console.log("## Session Expired. Relogging.");client.webLogOn();}); Not sure if it synced with this code, but I will write it too client.on('webSession', function (sessionID, cookies) {manager.setCookies(cookies, function (err) {if (err) {console.log(dateFormat(Date(), "dd.mm.yyyy HH:MM:ss ") + " - " + err);//process.exit(1); I commented this cause I don't want to stop the node immediatelyclient.webLogOn(); // I put this in order to do webLogon again, not sure if necessaryreturn;}}); community.setCookies(cookies);community.chatLogon();community.startConfirmationChecker(config.steam.refreshInterval, config.steam.secret);if (config.social.hasToUpdateProfile) {updateProfile();}}); So yeah, any ideas how to solve this problem, and not get my node getting down after this Error("Cannot log onto steamcommunity.com without firs t being connected to Steam network"); ? Thank you in advance! One solution would be to use forever npm, but I would like to hear other opinions how I could rework the code, to not make the node go off, because I'm not up to use that npm due to some variables being saved while bot is being up.
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