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  1. import { CDataGCCStrike15_v2_MatchInfo, CMsgGCCStrike15_v2_MatchList, CMsgGCCStrike15_v2_MatchListRequestFullGameInfo, CMsgGCCStrike15_v2_MatchListRequestRecentUserGames, } from "csgo-protobuf"; import SteamUser from "steam-user"; const payload = new CMsgGCCStrike15_v2_MatchListRequestFullGameInfo({ matchid: 3679454899302563903n, outcomeid: 3679460199292207251n, token: 16014, }); const user = new SteamUser(); user.logOn({ accountName: "forum_win", password: "" }); user.on("debug", msg => { console.log("DEBUG", msg); }); user.on("error", msg => { console.log("error", msg); }); user.on("disconnected", (e, m) => console.log("DISCONNECTED", e, m)); user.on("loggedOn", () => { //https://github.com/SteamDatabase/Protobufs/blob/master/csgo/cstrike15_gcmessages.proto#L41 //https://steamdb.info/app/730/info/ user.sendToGC(730, 9147, {}, Buffer.from(payload.toBinary())); }); user.on("receivedFromGC", (appid, msgType, payload) => { console.log(`Received message ${msgType} from GC ${appid} with ${payload.length} bytes`); }); user.on("appQuit", () => { console.log(`quit!!!`); }); Following logic found: https://github.com/akiver/boiler-writter/blob/main/boiler-writter/main.cpp https://github.com/akiver/boiler-writter/blob/main/boiler-writter/CSGOMatchList.cpp https://github.com/akiver/boiler-writter/blob/main/boiler-writter/CSGOClient.cpp Trying to leverage steam-user to call protobuf GC, but never receinving receivedFromGC event. Using the @types as well. Tried stepping through and have had no luck. Wondering if there's just a miss in the implementation. Tried encoding the protobuf payload using a few different npm libs such as protobufjs and copying proto from: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/Protobufs/blob/master/csgo/cstrike15_gcmessages.proto#L41 Any direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!pre widget
  2. Upon launching my program, the first login and message sending work perfectly fine. However, when I start the game from another location, it triggers an error in my program, and I receive a Debug event received: Logged off: LoggedInElsewhere' message. After attempting to log in again and successfully doing so, when I try to send a message, I encounter the issue where I receive the 'Debug event received: Dropping outgoing message 5505 because we're not logged on.' The complete debug information is as follows: The first time: Debug event received: [T1] Connecting to TCP CM: Debug event received: [T1] TCP connection established Debug event received: [T1] Handled message: ChannelEncryptRequest Debug event received: Channel encrypt request: protocol 1, universe 1, nonce ab0bdc3141281b723f648d9944c03296, 0 remain ng bytes Debug event received: Sending message: ChannelEncryptResponse Debug event received: [T1] Handled message: ChannelEncryptResult Debug event received: Node version is new enough for steam-session; performing new auth Debug event received: Sending message: ClientHello Debug event received: Sending message: Authentication.GetPasswordRSAPublicKey#1 Debug event received: [T1#1] Handled message: Authentication.GetPasswordRSAPublicKey#1_Response Debug event received: Sending message: Authentication.BeginAuthSessionViaCredentials#1 Debug event received: [T1#2] Handled message: Authentication.BeginAuthSessionViaCredentials#1_Response Debug event received: [steam-session] Debug event received: [steam-session] Debug event received: [steam-session] Debug event received: Sending message: Authentication.UpdateAuthSessionWithSteamGuardCode#1 Debug event received: [T1#3] Handled message: Authentication.UpdateAuthSessionWithSteamGuardCode#1_Response Debug event received: Sending message: Authentication.PollAuthSessionStatus#1 Debug event received: [T1#4] Handled message: Authentication.PollAuthSessionStatus#1_Response Debug event received: [steam-session] Debug event received: New auth succeeded in 2673 ms Debug event received: Sending message: ClientLogon Debug event received: [T1] Got incomplete message; expecting 8800 more bytes Debug event received: [T1#5] Unhandled message: ClientServersAvailable Debug event received: [T1#5] Unhandled message: ClientServersAvailable Debug event received: [T1#5] Handled message: ClientLogOnResponse (OK) Debug event received: Handle logon response (OK) Debug event received: Sending message: ClientRequestItemAnnouncements Debug event received: Sending message: ClientRequestCommentNotifications Debug event received: Sending message: ClientChatRequestOfflineMessageCount Debug event received: Sending message: Authentication.GenerateAccessTokenForApp#1 Debug event received: [T1#5] Handled message: ClientAccountInfo Debug event received: [T1#5] Handled message: ClientEmailAddrInfo Debug event received: [T1#5] Handled message: ClientFriendsList Debug event received: Sending message: ClientRequestFriendData Debug event received: [T1#5] Handled message: ClientPlayerNicknameList Debug event received: [T1#5] Handled message: ClientLicenseList Debug event received: [T1#5] Handled message: ClientUpdateGuestPassesList Debug event received: [T1#5] Handled message: ClientWalletInfoUpdate Debug event received: [T1#5] Handled message: ClientGameConnectTokens Debug event received: Received 10 game connect tokens. Had 0 tokens. Debug event received: [T1#5] Handled message: ClientIsLimitedAccount Debug event received: [T1#5] Unhandled message: ClientRequestedClientStats Debug event received: [T1#5] Handled message: ClientPlayingSessionState Debug event received: [T1#5] Handled message: ClientVACBanStatus Debug event received: Sending 730 GC message 4006 Debug event received: Sending message: ClientToGC Debug event received: [T1#23] Handled message: ClientClanState Debug event received: [T1#24] Handled message: ClientClanState Debug event received: [T1#25] Handled message: ClientClanState Debug event received: [T1#26] Handled message: ClientClanState Debug event received: [T1#27] Handled message: ClientClanState Debug event received: [T1#28] Handled message: ClientClanState Debug event received: [T1#29] Handled message: ClientClanState Debug event received: [T1] TCP connection ended Debug event received: [T1#30] Handled message: ClientLoggedOff Debug event received: Logged off: LoggedInElsewhere Debug event received: Disconnecting without sending logoff Debug event received: [T1] Ending connection and removing all listeners error:Error: LoggedInElsewhere Logon again: Debug event received: Error reading file machineAuthToken.xxx.txt: ENOENT: no such file or directory Debug event received: [T2] Connecting to TCP CM: Debug event received: [T2] TCP connection established Debug event received: [T2] Handled message: ChannelEncryptRequest Debug event received: Channel encrypt request: protocol 1, universe 1, nonce 154748b6c7a8ab0b0838216a0cf26838, 0 remain ng bytes Debug event received: Sending message: ChannelEncryptResponse Debug event received: [T2] Handled message: ChannelEncryptResult Debug event received: Node version is new enough for steam-session; performing new auth Debug event received: Sending message: ClientHello Debug event received: Sending message: Authentication.GetPasswordRSAPublicKey#1 Debug event received: [T2#1] Handled message: Authentication.GetPasswordRSAPublicKey#1_Response Debug event received: Sending message: Authentication.BeginAuthSessionViaCredentials#1 Debug event received: [T2#2] Handled message: Authentication.BeginAuthSessionViaCredentials#1_Response Debug event received: [steam-session] Debug event received: [steam-session] Debug event received: [steam-session] Debug event received: Sending message: Authentication.UpdateAuthSessionWithSteamGuardCode#1 Debug event received: [T2#3] Handled message: Authentication.UpdateAuthSessionWithSteamGuardCode#1_Response Debug event received: Sending message: Authentication.PollAuthSessionStatus#1 Debug event received: [T2#4] Handled message: Authentication.PollAuthSessionStatus#1_Response Debug event received: [steam-session] Debug event received: New auth succeeded in 2350 ms Debug event received: Sending message: ClientLogon Debug event received: [T2] Got incomplete message; expecting 8784 more bytes Debug event received: [T2#5] Unhandled message: ClientServersAvailable Debug event received: [T2#5] Unhandled message: ClientServersAvailable Debug event received: [T2#5] Handled message: ClientLogOnResponse (OK) Debug event received: Handle logon response (OK) Debug event received: Sending message: ClientRequestItemAnnouncements Debug event received: Sending message: ClientRequestCommentNotifications Debug event received: Sending message: ClientChatRequestOfflineMessageCount Debug event received: Sending message: Authentication.GenerateAccessTokenForApp#1 Debug event received: [T2#5] Handled message: ClientAccountInfo Debug event received: [T2#5] Handled message: ClientEmailAddrInfo Debug event received: [T2#5] Handled message: ClientFriendsList Debug event received: Sending message: ClientRequestFriendData Debug event received: [T2#5] Handled message: ClientPlayerNicknameList Debug event received: [T2#5] Handled message: ClientLicenseList Debug event received: [T2#5] Handled message: ClientUpdateGuestPassesList Debug event received: [T2#5] Handled message: ClientWalletInfoUpdate Debug event received: [T2#5] Handled message: ClientGameConnectTokens Debug event received: Received 10 game connect tokens. Had 0 tokens. Debug event received: [T2#5] Handled message: ClientIsLimitedAccount Debug event received: [T2#5] Unhandled message: ClientRequestedClientStats Debug event received: [T2#5] Handled message: ClientPlayingSessionState Debug event received: [T2#5] Handled message: ClientVACBanStatus Debug event received: [T2#9] Unhandled message: PlayerClient.NotifyLastPlayedTimes#1 Debug event received: [T2#10] Handled message: ClientPlayingSessionState Debug event received: [T2#10] Handled message: ClientGameConnectTokens Debug event received: Received 1 game connect tokens. Had 10 tokens. Debug event received: Sending 730 GC message 4006 Debug event received: Sending message: ClientToGC Debug event received: [T2#11] Unhandled message: ClientServersAvailable Debug event received: [T2#12] Unhandled message: ClientServiceCall Debug event received: [T2] Got incomplete message; expecting 7904 more bytes Debug event received: [T2] Got incomplete message; expecting 7904 more bytes Debug event received: Enqueued incoming message; queue size is now 1 Debug event received: [T2#13] Handled message: ClientFromGC Debug event received: Received 730 GC message 4004 Received message 4004 from GC 730 with 42978 bytes Debug event received: Sending message: ClientToGC Debug event received: [T2#14] Handled message: ClientFromGC Debug event received: Received 730 GC message 9173 Debug event received: [T2#14] Handled message: ClientFromGC Debug event received: Received 730 GC message 9110 Debug event received: [T2#14] Handled message: ClientFromGC Debug event received: Received 730 GC message 9194 Debug event received: [T2#14] Handled message: ClientFromGC Debug event received: Received 730 GC message 9173 Debug event received: [T2#15] Handled message: ClientMicroTxnAuthRequest Debug event received: Dropping outgoing message 5505 because we're not logged on. Upon triggering an error and subsequently logging in again, the logs indicate successful login and successful message transmission. However, when attempting to send messages afterwards, it displays as not logged in. What could be the reason behind this? In the second time ,the property of steamID is null. But the wallet and other properties are correct.
  3. I am using the node-CSGO module to send k_EMsgGCStoreGetUserData message to GC, where the currency is 2. However, according to ECurrencyCode.js, the code for EUR is 3 (similarly for CNY it's 23, but when sent to GC it's 27). What is the reason for this discrepancy? Is there another currency code table that needs to be referenced?
  4. There is not much thing to say. I looked into error codes and saw that 2 means "failed". I have no idea what causing this. client.enableTwoFactor(async (err, res) => { if (err){ return; } //in here i get res.status 2 });
  5. Hello, recently i saw your post about get game ticket. is there anyway to get PUBG game Ticket ? GetEncryptedAppTicket wont work it gives me a error client.on("loggedOn", function (dataAndEvents) { console.log("[bOT] Signed in!");client.getEncryptedAppTicket(578080, function(err,ticket){ console.log(ticket);});}); it gives undefined var... is there anyway to get the ticket like in SteamWorks : Using this function greenworks.getAuthSessionTicket((data) => { ticket = data.ticket.toString('hex').toUpperCase();console.log(ticket); resolve(ticket); }, (err) => {console.log('err'); reject(err); }); it returns something like this : 14000000AA709D6426279EE4DF689D1901001001DBEF735A180000000100000002000000A961CDB14E0FA8C0288A2C0021000000B20000003200000004000000DF689D190100100120D20800A961CDB14E0FA8C000000000D2DF735A528F8F5A0100844002000000000090A62D0F6CDB2A5F4E54A765AAD6D477A384ECF2DAF14CC7FA13A7E925FC7999FB53990D7AC185A77793C559481A674FCBF98774A9F723590940032FA61CB3CC6C19E931D55A19ADB0CEE94DBDF6104BC9FE5F97F8BBDA968F2E2FAD52C305B250DD8E6E3C8C317E960996F1F1AEBA774D602C14E5CE4989F30AB231D5B54355
  6. Hey I wanted to create a bot that farms hours on a few games and if I (player) start let's say CS:GO. The bot will give an error: Logged into Steam Boosting our hours on chosen games ... Set state to Snooze // starting CS:GO here { Error: LoggedInElsewhere at SteamUser._handleLogOff (C:\Users\Admin\node_modules\steam-user\components\logon.js:400:11) at SteamUser._handlers.(anonymous function) (C:\Users\Admin\node_modules\steam-user\components\logon.js:380:7) at SteamUser._handleMessage (C:\Users\Admin\node_modules\steam-user\components\messages.js:235:30) at emitThree (events.js:136:13) at CMClient.emit (events.js:217:7) at CMClient._netMsgReceived (C:\Users\Admin\node_modules\steam-user\node_modules\steam-client\lib\cm_client.js:323:8) at CMClient.handlers.(anonymous function) (C:\Users\Admin\node_modules\steam-user\node_modules\steam-client\lib\cm_client.js:603:8) at CMClient._netMsgReceived (C:\Users\Admin\node_modules\steam-user\node_modules\steam-client\lib\cm_client.js:305:24) at emitOne (events.js:116:13) at TCPConnection.emit (events.js:211:7) eresult: 6 } This is the bot's code: var colors = require("colors"); const SteamUser = require("steam-user"); const client = new SteamUser(); const logOnOptions = { accountName: "u", password: "p", }; autoRelogin = true; //correct? client.logOn(logOnOptions); client.on("loggedOn", () => { console.log("Logged into Steam".green); client.gamesPlayed(["Boosting Hours", 20, 70, 50, 9480, 300, 40, 130, 10, 730]); console.log("Boosting our hours on chosen games ...".yellow); client.setPersona(SteamUser.Steam.EPersonaState.Snooze); console.log("Set state to Snooze".blue); }); client.on('error', function (err) { console.log(err); client.gamesPlayed(["Boosting Hours", 20, 70, 50, 9480, 300, 40, 130, 10, 730]); }); I'm not sure if I need to use the autoRelogin boolean. I do know I need to handle the error. Not sure how to. So my thought now was to just add the gamesPlayed function again to start those games when the errors appear. But my thought of creating the bot was: // Farm bot 1. Log in on the account 2. Run a check if the account is already playing game(s) (with interval, so it constantly checks) 3. If it is playing a game -> do nothing 4. If it is not playing any games -> start idling a list of games 5. Also handle the LoggedInElsewhere? I'm learning C++ atm. And this is how I start my projects. Writing down what I want my program to do. And turn the text into code. I just can't with JS. Simply because I don't understand the language that well. Trust me, I don't like being spoonfed but I just can't code from scratch with JS. If anyone is planning to spoonfeed me. Do know I'd love some explaination. Otherwise I cannot learn from it. Best regards Ruben.
  7. Is there some clever way to get a list of packageid's, that contain a certain appid, without building an entire database of existing packages? I don't want to scrape steamdb.info either.
  8. i have windows and i test it and runs all ok but when i want to use centos 7 to run it on my server it does not work!! steam-user client.logOn does not give me error and do nothing it is so weird i have tried it into 4 different linux servers still the same what do you think the problem is? my code : const SteamUser = require('steam-user'); var client = new SteamUser(); client.logOn({ accountName: 'test', password: 'tes',}) client.on('loggedOn', () => { console.log('logged on'); }); client.on('error', (err) => { console.log(err); });
  9. Is there a way to fetch certain data like the Steam Profile Name and Steam Avatar, if the Profile is Public, Steam Level, Ability to Invite Friends etc. and fetch it from Steam via Steam-User or is that something I would have to do without Steam-User via Steam Web API?
  10. Guest

    Friend and Blocked

    Hi, How can I find out that a friend has blocked me? client.myFriends[user_id] = 3 , but on account who blocked this value = 6
  11. Hey, i read all post at this forum about this issue. https://dev.doctormckay.com/topic/2128-error-when-using-loginkey/?hl=loginkey https://dev.doctormckay.com/topic/1896-loginkey-throw-error-invalidpassword/?hl=loginkey https://dev.doctormckay.com/topic/2120-using-loginkey-gives-error-invalidpassword/?hl=loginkey https://dev.doctormckay.com/topic/2264-what-data-must-be-stored-for-reauthorization/?hl=loginkey&do=findComment&comment=7443 I can't login with loginKey on my VDS based on Linux. I am updating loginKey every time when receive new one from Steam. All working fine at my local Windows machine. So i tryed use Windows VDS - all working fine. Is there any bug on Linux? Can that be that when i use steam-user at linux it won't use sentry files. That can explain why loginKey don't work. I found folder where sentryes stored at Linux and tryed to manualy load them with setSentry - won't help. Any ideas how understand where problem is? Ye, i know, it's Steam and we can't know for 100% how it works under the hood. But it bothers me that the same code behaves differently on different OS, so it's probably some bug inside steam-user. P.S. Sorry for my English. English is not my native language
  12. Hi guys! I have just started using the npm module steam-user and noticed that a simply `import steamUser from 'steam-user';` would take about 3GB of memory. Is that totally normal? I should note that I am using steam-user in a svelte project.
  13. Hello, I'm using this code to keep me logged (to avoid session expired) setInterval(function() { if (client.steamID) { client.webLogOn(); } else { client.logOn(account); } }, 1800000); but sometimes I'm getting crash with LogonSessionReplaced, should I use relog() instead?
  14. Hello, I apologize for the longwinded questions, I'm new to Steam trading and would like to learn more about building trade bots. Using multiple trade bots at once is a pretty common usage scenario of node-steam-user and node-steam-trade-offer-manager but I haven't found many guides or examples that go into finer detail on this. I have a fuzzy idea of how to do it but I would like some validation/clarification to see if I'm heading in the right direction. If I have many available bot accounts, say 20 bots, and I start them all up at once, I'm sure I would run into steam's rate limiting per IP address, as well as getting a LogonSessionReplaced error if my bots were to re-login on the same IP. I see that there is a loginID option for the steam-user logOn method, I'm assuming I can use a proxy pool in tandem with this option to mitigate these issues? Is logging in with different IP addresses enough or do I need to use a loginKey? I see that when logging in and using the rememberPassword option, it triggers a loginKey event, which I can store and use for subsequent logins. Does using a loginKey bypass the LogonSessionReplaced error as well? I don't quite understand the benefit of using a loginKey instead of username/password. Second question - Can I send trades from the same bots that are running in separate processes? For example, maybe on app startup, I can log into all my bots at once and have them ready to initiate trades. I would also have a worker process running in the background that would start up all of the same bots to send a trade at a later time, let's say when an item on trade hold becomes available. Would these bots log off the other bots from app startup? This is probably related to my first question about using a loginKey or loginID. Last question - How can I check if a bot is already logged on? Instead of starting up all bots on app startup, I could just login to each bot separately when a trade is requested for an item in their inventory. I would want to check if the bot is logged in already before calling the logOn method again. Thank you for your time and for your great work on these libraries!
  15. First of all, thanks for writing and maintaining this library ! I'm trying to pull more than 5k servers from `getServerList()`. I don't see any options to paginate (don't think Steam supports it). Any idea how this could be achieved ? Thanks
  16. Hello, What data must be stored for reauthorization ? For example i can provide my cookies into node-steamcommunity for renew my auth ( if it be saved before ), but what's data need to store for renew my auth in steam-user ? Because when i have much accounts auth take so long time when i restart my software.
  17. Hello, I tried to use community.postUserComment but it didn't work with no errors. I'm using the script below. I'm trying to comment on user profiles. client.on('friendRelationship', (friend, relationship) => { if(relationship == 3) { client.chatMessage(friend, "Hello!"); community.postUserComment(friend,"Thanks for adding!"); }});
  18. Guest


    Hi, when account have trade ban - limitations.communityBanned is false, can you fix it please ?
  19. Guest

    send image to friend

    Hi, can you add method for send image via steam chat ? First method for upload photo, and second method for send it to chat.
  20. Guest

    In-game & Away

    Hi, how can i know that my friend In-Game & Away ? In the steam chat it looks like
  21. I wanna make a bot wich responds randomly when the user typer !random, i have created a array with the example: var random = ["random","blabla","bla"] So i added the function: function random_sentences(random) { return random[Math.floor(Math.random()*random.length)];} and if anyones type !random: else if(message == "!random") { client.chatMessage(random_sentences(random)) } this error appears: throw new Error("Unknown SteamID input format \"" + input + "\""); ^ Error: Unknown SteamID input format I did like to know how the bot can reponse randomly.Thanks
  22. Hi, could i've been banned because using wrong login settings or smth else ? Nobody uses an account except me
  23. Basically I'm trying to figure out how to use the node module steam-user to create a steambot in order to send announcements to a steamgroup via the vents and to make posts/threads under a steamgroups discussions section. So far setting up the code for getting the bot working was easy enough with the tutorial, however I'm currently stuck with the problem of logging in. I've not tested my code yet because I already know its not going to work without propperly setting up a way to use the code steam will end up emailing me. basically I just want a quick rundown of how to get this thing running with steamguard on. after that I'd just like to know what functions I'd need for steamgroup related stuff since the github page didn't really go over how to make posts,threads and events. it only seemed to go over detecting when they happen to be made by others it seemed.
  24. How can i make my program have a one time login so user doesn't have to login every time? I originally tried just saving login details in a .json file but then realized would still have to enter steam guard code since there was to shared secret. Is there a way to get shared secret not through sda?
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