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  1. Do you think it's a good idea to openly tell Steam Support that I'm using a bot for mobile confirmations? Will they ban me / won't they help me in that case?
  2. Hey guys. Today I tried to debug why mobile confirmations started giving me ESOCKETTIMEOUT. It turns out that getConfirmations returns 300 of those, and I think all of them are for trade offers that were already cancelled and gone. Most likely some time in the past I created an offer, and the confirmation for it didn't work with its usual "Could not act on confirmation", so I moved on and cancelled the offer. It seems to happen that all those confirmations never disappeared! Now there are 300 of those, confirmation requests are working really slow, and none of those confirmations can be accepted or cancelled. I tried to accept/cancel them all at once, and 1 by 1, they always return "Could not act on confirmation". Here's an example of CConfirmation I get: http://i.imgur.com/YTrXah9.png. Sorry, but I decided to blur the IDs just in case. These confirmations are really old and can't disappear. What can I do other than transfer all my items to a new account and forget about this one? Can I remove these confirmations? What can I do with a new account to prevent same shit from happening? Please help.
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