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Everything posted by Toxic

  1. Thanks works perfectly now
  2. I found another way. But how would i do so it checks 2 steam id's in one if statement? I tried doing if(steamID == '76561197.....' && '76561.....'){
  3. Could you give an example of how i would do that?
  4. I need some help with my bot.. so here is my problem.. I tried making an if statement like this: client.on('friendMessage', function (steamID, message) { if(steamID == '765611......'){ client.chatMessage(steamID, 'Working...'); } else { client.chatMessage(steamID, 'You are not my master!'); } }); But everytime i send the bot something it sends "Working..." but i want it to only respond with a command like !help or !test Any help or suggestions would be helpful.
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