I only want to get the amount of gems a user has, so I don't have to load the whole inventory because gems are (usually) the first item in all Steam inventories. Is there any way to achieve that without loading the wholle inventory?
"uri": "https://steamcommunity.com/comment/Profile/post/" + userID.toString() + "/-1",
"form": {
"comment": message,
"count": 6,
"sessionid": this.getSessionID()
What's -1 in the end of the URI and what's "count" param?
Hello, I want to make a script that'll automatically write a custom message to everyone who invites me to play CS:GO. How can I do it? And I'm a very big noob in JavaScript and Node.JS and because of it I beg you to explain everything step-by-step.
I experienced this when I withdrawed some things from the site, then I checked status and it told me that everything is fine, items are in steam inventory. I didn't accept the trade by myself and even tried to send it from another account. And it successfully accepted all trades.