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Posts posted by Nico31

  1. I am looking for an easier way to get market hash name for any card (not only cards from my inventory, or cards in a trade). I'm currently using node-steamcommunity, doing a market search for each card by name and filtering the results. But this way takes too much time when I have to search too many cards, sometimes gets me rate limited, and sometimes can't even find the card I'm looking for.

    Is there any viable way for achieving this, or should I stick to my method?

  2. For debug purposes, I didn't know that.

    I'm using this code to log offered items

    log += `their items: ${offer.itemsToReceive.length} - `;
    if (offer.itemsToReceive.length > 0) {
    	for (var i = 0; i < offer.itemsToReceive.length; i++) {
    		log += `\n	#${(i + 1)} - ${offer.itemsToReceive[i].name} | ${offer.itemsToReceive[i].type} | ${offer.itemsToReceive[i].market_hash_name}`;

    But always return undefined

    	#1 - undefined | undefined | undefined
    	#2 - undefined | undefined | undefined

    It's very strange, I tried the same code earlier in my laptop and worked fine. I have no clue what could be wrong, I'm just guessing that could be a corrupted file, or some node issue

  3. On 3/27/2021 at 12:21 AM, Dr. McKay said:

    Use 'english' as the language.

    Just tried that, no changes

    			"appid": 753,
    			"contextid": "6",
    			"assetid": "16658463991",
    			"classid": "2353210051",
    			"instanceid": "0",
    			"amount": "1",
    			"missing": false,
    			"est_usd": "5"

    Would it make any difference if I delete the appdata folders?

  4. Hi!, here you go

    const SteamUser = require(`steam-user`);
    const SteamCommunity = require(`steamcommunity`);
    const TradeOfferManager = require(`steam-tradeoffer-manager`);
    var steam = new SteamCommunity();
    var client = new SteamUser({
    	enablePicsCache: true,
    	changelistUpdateInterval: 60000
    var manager = new TradeOfferManager({
    	steam: client,
    	community: steam,
    	language: `en`,
    	globalAssetCache: true,
    	savePollData: true,
    	cancelTime: 60000,
    	pendingCancelTime: 30000


    I tried 'en' and 'es' as language. Also deleted node_modules folder and reinstalled all fresh but can't make it work. Thanks for the reply! ^_^

  5. Hi all! Newbie question, I've declared the language in the constructor, but I'm not getting any item name in the 'newOffer' event.

    This is the rawJson I get from incoming offers

    	"tradeofferid": "4514010558",
    	"accountid_other": xxxxxxxx,
    	"message": "test offer",
    	"expiration_time": 1617915913,
    	"trade_offer_state": 2,
    	"items_to_receive": [
    			"appid": 753,
    			"contextid": "6",
    			"assetid": "16638623730",
    			"classid": "2353210051",
    			"instanceid": "0",
    			"amount": "1",
    			"missing": false,
    			"est_usd": "4"
    			"appid": 753,
    			"contextid": "6",
    			"assetid": "16638623732",
    			"classid": "2217483072",
    			"instanceid": "0",
    			"amount": "1",
    			"missing": false,
    			"est_usd": "3"
    	"is_our_offer": false,
    	"time_created": 1616706313,
    	"time_updated": 1616706315,
    	"from_real_time_trade": false,
    	"escrow_end_date": 0,
    	"confirmation_method": 0

    Any tips? ^_^

  6. Happened last night. Should report it as bug or it was some random error?

    I have no clue of what triggered that, since that account doesn't have any friends that sends chat messages, and I wasn't online.




    PS: Sorry for bad english  -_-

  7. Hi all!

    Is there any way to idle a game without showing it and just appear as connected in steam?

    I've tested

    client.gamesPlayed([0, apptoidle]);
    client.gamesPlayed([apptoidle, 0]);
    client.gamesPlayed(['', apptoidle]);
    client.gamesPlayed([apptoidle, '']);

    All of them show that I'm playing ${apptoidle} or non-steam game. I need this to change apptoidle periodically without sending notifications that I'm playing any game.


    Thanks in advance for any help :)

  8. Hi everyone! :) I'm new to node, js and steam related scripting, so thanks Dr McKay for the place.


    I'm trying to make some logic for a card trade bot, but I can't find a way to get the appid of the game to which belong the trading card.

    I've already debbuged all the properties of the items in a trade offer, but no one match what I'm looking for. The closest I got was by using the numbers which precede in market_hash_name, but this is not a constant in all trading cards, so I need some advice to continue my project.


    Thanks in advance for any help and sorry for my bad english!

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