Hi all , and thanks for share Dr. McKay. I post this on "General" because it involve Steam Community or/and Steam TradeOffer Manager. I have a new Steam account without inventories, and i am trying to handle this . Using "loadInventory" i get "Malformed response" , this should return "Empty inventory" if i haven't inventory for these app ? Using "getInventoryContents" i get "Error: Failure", ( entering the URL in a browser get the same result from Steam ) this should return "Empty inventory" if i haven't inventory for these app ? Finding in the forum I assume the problem, here, is that i am trying to load a non-exixtent inventory, then i check for "getInventoryContexts" but i get a "Malformed response" error . I found some answers on the forum , but don't apply for me . - I am using the latest versions of the modules - I have logged in the SteamCommunity and SteamTradeOfferManager modules - I haven't account limitations - I have the inventory ( and all ) public - I have 0 inventories Any help or tip should be so apreciated. Thanks in advance . If I forgotten some detail or want more info, please , let me know .