Using the code below I'm not able to set the UI mode to desktop (3). I've commented the line out and tried if the event when a new message is received is triggered and this doesn't work too. Any idea how to fix these two problems? Code:
var SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity');
var steam = new SteamCommunity();
var SteamTotp = require('steam-totp');
var sharedSecret = "";
var logOnOptions = {
'accountName': "x",
'password': "y",
'twoFactorCode': SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(sharedSecret),
/logs in via browser
steam.login(logOnOptions, function(err, sessionID, cookies, steamguard) {
if (err) {
console.log("There was an error logging in! Error details: " + err.message);
process.exit(1); //terminates program
} else {
console.log("Successfully logged in as " + logOnOptions.accountName);
//check if we're logged into
steam.on('chatLoggedOn', function(){
console.log("ready to chat");
steam.on('chatLogOnFailed', function(){
console.log("chat failed!");
steam.on('friendRelationship', (steamid, relationship) => {
console.log("new request!");
steam.chatMessage(steamid, 'Hello there! Thanks for adding me!');
steam.on('friendOrChatMessage', (senderId, text) => {
console.log("received: " + text);