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Everything posted by pumble

  1. changed it to callback and waitet for the send to finish. works like a charm now
  2. could it be a problem based on the asynch style of node and the send function takes to long time to set the id ? but why doest this just happen after ive updated to v2 ?
  3. offer object and the id are provided correctly... for some reason the id of the offer is null. function sendOffer(offer, id){ offer.setMessage("xxx"); offer.send(); var oid = offer.id; updateTrade("send", id, oid); console.log(oid); } function updateTrade(status, id, offerId){ mysqlConnection.query('UPDATE trades SET status = "'+ status +'", offerId = "'+ offerId +'" WHERE id = ' + id, function(err, row, fields) { if(err){ console.log(err); return; } }); console.log("Trade Offer Done");
  4. Sup Guys, after ive send a offer id its null. before ive updated to v2 it worked. any ideas ?
  5. steam-tradeoffer-manager/lib/classes/TradeOffer.js:528 callback(null, 'sent'); TypeError: callback is not a function: looks like theres something wrong on your side, isnt it ?
  6. yeh it solved this problem. but i run into another now. steam-tradeoffer-manager/lib/classes/TradeOffer.js:528 callback(null, 'sent'); TypeError: callback is not a function: looks like theres something wrong on your side, isnt it ?
  7. Hey Guys, if im creating a tradeoffer with a trade link url the creation fails: Error: Unknown SteamID input format "https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=xxxxxx&token=xxxxxx" i use following to create the offer: var offer = manager.createOffer(row2[0].tlink); inside the row2[0].tlink variable is the whole trade link as string. any ideas ?
  8. fixed it the problem was that ive tried to add the same item (same assetid) into the trade, which cause the trouble
  9. Hey Guys, i run into a very simple problem but cant find a solution for it. during my creation process for the trade offer, i run a kind of loop and insert each item single into the trade offer object. the problem behind is, after ive added a item (e.g. a cs:go case) and in a other round of inserting i add the same case again the object "fails" to insert it, since its allready in it. the solution should be to increase the amount of it. and theres where i cant find a solution for, since its not only to increase it to 2.. it could also be 3-xxxx . is there any way to recieve the amount of the item allready in the "offer object" so i can increase this directly or remove the item and insert it with a higher amount then ? p.s. sry for a non nativ english tried my best
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