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  1. Well I found the problem. My code misused Steam-TradeOffer-Manager/lib/assets.js . It somehow just keeps on running the code at line 46, which is for (let i in cache[key]) { if (cache[key].hasOwnProperty(i)) { item[i] = cache[key][i]; } } It just kept on running it until my program reached around 1600-1800MB in RAM usage, and then crashed. I kinda makeshift fixed it, by doing so with the code. TradeOfferManager.prototype._mapItemsToDescriptions = function(appid, contextid, items) { var cache = this._assetCache; if (!(items instanceof Array)) { items = Object.keys(items).map(key => items[key]); } return items.map((item) => { item.appid = appid || item.appid; item.contextid = contextid || item.contextid; var key = `${item.appid}_${item.classid}_${item.instanceid || '0'}`; if (!cache[key]) { // This item isn't in our description cache return new EconItem(item); } /* for (let i in cache[key]) { if (cache[key].hasOwnProperty(i)) { item[i] = cache[key][i]; } } */ return new EconItem(item); }); }; The program now runs at around 200MB instead of 500MB and then randomly peaking to godly amounts.
  2. Well...... God damn it. Thanks for the response. I'll respond if I find the issue.
  3. But I have 16GBs of RAM on my computer, and it crashes near 1.6GB
  4. <--- Last few GCs ---> [9212:00000230BE791410] 222793 ms: Mark-sweep 1416.0 (1509.0) -> 1416.0 (1493.0) MB, 908.0 / 0.0 ms (+ 0.0 ms in 0 steps since start of marking, biggest step 0.0 ms, walltime since start of marking 908 ms) last resort [9212:00000230BE791410] 223709 ms: Mark-sweep 1416.0 (1493.0) -> 1416.0 (1493.0) MB, 915.3 / 0.0 ms last resort <--- JS stacktrace ---> ==== JS stack trace ========================================= Security context: 000002048E91CEA9 <JSObject> 1: new constructor(aka EconItem) [C:\Users\*****\Documents\*********\*********\node_modules\steam-tradeoffer-manager\lib\classes\EconItem.js:~5] [pc=0000033EC5C265F2](this=000001FA21AD43E1 <EconItem map = 000001340AAE4441>,item=000003D861277141 <Object map = 00000127A0FEE2B9>) 4: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [C:\Users\*********\Documents\*********\*********\node_modules\steam-tradeof... FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memoryI have no idea why this is happening. Started about two-three days ago.
  5. Do you use SDA, (Steam Desktop Authenticator) ?. If so, do you have the File -> Settings -> Auto-Confirm trades enabled?
  6. Well, this is really weird. Maybe some node modules might be doing this? I would make sure that you are only using official modules, like the ones made by DrMckay. Maybe you are using a node module which has a backdoor in it. I don't know if that is even possible, but someone more educated about Node.js might be able to tell
  7. Hmm. Good question. I didn't really think through that answer . But there must have been a backdoor in that bot, as someone cannot just extract your whole inventory, without you noticing.
  8. Yeah, I thought that might be the cause. If you downloaded it from a site, and even worse if it was leaked, the author may have added a backdoor in the code, which allows him/her to extract the content of your bot with a simple command. Some even include advanced anti-theft in their code, which makes your bot message the owner if it was taken in use by someone who obtained it in an illegal way, leaking as an example.
  9. Did you make this bot? Did you download it from github? Or did you buy it from a person?
  10. But when I tried the solution which was posted in that thread, it still says NaN in the message. My code looks like this now. client.on("friendRelationship", (SENDER, REL) => { client.getPersonas([SENDER], function(personas) { var persona = personas[SENDER.getSteamID64]; var name = persona ? persona.player_name : ("[" + SENDER.getSteamID64 + "]"); if (REL === 2) { client.addFriend(SENDER); } else if (REL === 3) { if (CONFIG.INVITETOGROUPID) { client.inviteToGroup(SENDER, CONFIG.INVITETOGROUPID); } client.chatMessage(SENDER, + name + CONFIG.MESSAGES.WELCOME); } }); });
  11. Hello, I am trying to make my bot say people's names, and then a welcome message. But currently with the code that I got, it only says "NaN Hello, I am a generous Trading Bot, I would love to trade with you, but I am currently in maintenance mode. Check back later.". I do not know why it says NaN, instead of the user's name. My current code looks like this client.on("friendRelationship", (SENDER, REL) => { client.getPersonas([client.steamID], (personas) => { if (REL === 2) { client.addFriend(SENDER); } else if (REL === 3) { if (CONFIG.INVITETOGROUPID) { client.inviteToGroup(SENDER, CONFIG.INVITETOGROUPID); } client.chatMessage(SENDER, + personas + CONFIG.MESSAGES.WELCOME); } }); });
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