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Everything posted by dr.ink

  1. Hey, Since it is possible that when the offer is cancelled the assetid of the items change anyway then I am working on a system that would detect this and "repair" their ids but the question is: Is it possible for some items to go through(the other party receives them) and some will still stay in inventory?
  2. Hey, since the opskins has no longer use for their Steam bots, is it possible to open source their code for others to learn from it? Maybe even give a tips and recommendations on how to deal with some Steam trading related issues.
  3. The bot sometimes does not inform back on a tradeoffer state change, this can be very annoying, is there any way to prevent this?
  4. Thank you for your answer.
  5. Hey, I have several questions about pubg 1) How big can the inventory be for pubg? Some games like h1z1 seem to have unlimited inventory, but games like csgo have 5000 item limit. 2) Does the assetid of the traded item change after each trade? Again in h1z1 the assetid of an item doesn't change, but it does change for csgo. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.
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