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Everything posted by darkwar1234

  1. Still don't know what I should do with error 16 on send offer from bot, because sometimes offer sends and sometimes not. I make this: newOffer.send(message, token, function(err){ if(err && err.message.indexOf("16") == -1){ return callback(err, null); } callback(false, newOffer); });
  2. when I tried getReceivedItems function there was error 429, I setTimeout 10 seconds, but error still exist: offer.getReceivedItems(function(err, items){ if(err){ setTimeout(function(){ self.getReceivedItems(offer); }, 10000); return; } self.getPrices(items, function(totalPrice, itemsWithPrices){ self.updateBotInventory(self.clearItems(itemsWithPrices)); }); });
  3. What will be if I just set manager.apiKey with value from my another account which is activated?
  4. When bot send offer with itemToGive array, if itemsToGive.length is too high (about 50 items) there is an error "16", my programm think that trade offer isn't send, but bot have already sent it. Sorry for my english, I hope you understand me.
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