I want my bot to respond to commands but it doesnt replay if the other wrote something behind the comment or just capitalized something. How do i change that ? Im using this atm : if (type == Steam.EChatEntryType.ChatMsg) { console.log("Friend message from " + name + ": " + msg); if (msg == "Ping") { friends.sendMessage(steamID, "Pong"); console.log("Send back: Pong");
Are u sure ? I use the bot on my main steam account. So if i dont move my mouse for some minutes my steam account turns automatically to "away". So it should be possible shouldnt it ?
I want my bot to answer on chat message if my status is set to away. What did i do wrong ?
client.getPersonas((client), (personas) => {
if (client.persona_state == 3) {
friends.sendMessage(steamID, "AFK");
console.log("Send back: AFK");
If i receive a message while my steam account is set to away the bot should answer 'Afk'. Im new to node.js and dont know how to code this. Please dont blame me