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  1. question already answered my bad /closed
  2. Is it possible to rate artwork using this api?
  3. This was what i was looking for i couldn't find it my self. Thank you very much. Also i got a quick question more. Is there anyway to check if the user is playing ? so i can pause my idler while he plays? do i need to make another thread for that ?
  4. Hello i'm trying to control my bot via an http application client.logOn({ accountName : CONFIG.USERNAME, password : CONFIG.PASSWORD }); Triggers Steam Guard Code: which is expected and like it should be however the issue is. I would like to enter the code from an http application? and not from the command prompt. how would i go about doing this. How would i go about submitting the guard code without manually entering it? this might be basic nodejs that im just unaware of however i been looking around and it don't look like i can submit console data ? -also im not asking how to get the data from the http site to the bot i got that part on lock. More just how i would go about entering it ? is there like an event that i can trigger with the auth that i get from my http server?
  5. I im so sorry what a stupid mistake. Thanks now everything is working like a charm
  6. Hello i'm having some issues and i'm hoping somebody could help me out i'm trying to send a trade offer using the a tradetoken. t = manager.createOffer(new TradeOfferManager.SteamID(SENDER.getSteamID64(), token)) t.getUserDetails((ERR, ME, THEM) => ^Throwsis not on your Steam friends list. I'm guessing manager.getUserInventoryContents(client.steamID.getSteamID64(), keyfromgame, 2, true, (ERR, INV, CURR) => {will also throw inventory private or not in steam friends list? is there any samples about sending offers with tokens ? not entirely sure how i would go about getting there trade hold and / or getting there inventory when we ain't friends?
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