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Everything posted by Laucian

  1. So, how i can check if session has expired before i send a trade?
  2. Lately, I've been having this error when i try to send a trade, but it doesnt happend always, only one or twice a day for example. Why does this happen? A piece of my code: var trade = offers.createOffer(steamid); trade.addTheirItems(pooluser); trade.setToken(token); trade.send(function (err, status){ if (err) { console.log(err); } else { console.log("Offer sent"); console.log(status); } });
  3. Hello, im trying to get the history of trades of one account, but i allways got error, this is my code: offers.getOffers(2, function(err, sent, recived){ if (err) { console.log(err); process.exit(1); } else { console.log(sent); process.exit(1); } }); Is something wrong? And how i use data filter (historialCutof)?
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