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Everything posted by Includes

  1. Hello, i wanted add comment on steam profile, what's wrong? var SteamCommunity = require('../index.js'); var ReadLine = require('readline'); var fs = require('fs'); var SteamID = require('steamid'); var CEconItem = require('../classes/CEconItem.js'); var community = new SteamCommunity(); var rl = ReadLine.createInterface({ "input": process.stdin, "output": process.stdout }); rl.question("Username: ", function(accountName) { rl.question("Password: ", function(password) { doLogin(accountName, password); }); }); function doLogin(accountName, password, captcha) { community.login({ "accountName": accountName, "password": password, "captcha": captcha }, function(err, sessionID, cookies) { if(err) { if(err.message == 'CAPTCHA') { console.log(err.captchaurl); rl.question("CAPTCHA: ", function(captchaInput) { doLogin(accountName, password, captchaInput); }); return; } console.log(err); process.exit(); return; } console.log("Logged on!"); SteamCommunity.prototype.postUserComment = function(userID, message, callback) { if(typeof userID === 'string') { userID = new SteamID(userID); } var self = this; this.httpRequestPost({ "uri": "https://steamcommunity.com/comment/Profile/post/76561198015482752", "form": { "comment": message, "count": 6, "sessionid": this.getSessionID() }, "json": true }, function(err, response, body) { if(!callback) { return; } if (err) { callback(err); return; } if(body.success) { callback(null); } else if(body.error) { callback(new Error(body.error)); } else { callback(new Error("Unknown error")); } }, "steamcommunity"); }; }); }
  2. Why you think that? I will try do this.
  3. It's hard to do? I have arround 600 accounts without steam limition.
  4. Can you help me with it? I can pay. Give me your steam profile, please.
  5. Oh i mean rate screenshots on steam community. For example this screenshot: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=388660226 Also i found https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/blob/e0e3e9b12c99401fe665376c74975274e8840625/Scripts/Community/sharedfiles_functions_logged_in.js but i don't know how to start. function VoteUp(item_id) { if ( !$('VoteUpBtn').hasClassName( 'toggled' ) ) { $('action_wait').show(); var options = { method: 'post', postBody: 'id=' + item_id + '&sessionid=' + g_sessionID, onSuccess: (function(item_id){ return function(transport) { $('action_wait').hide(); if ( !CheckVoteResults( transport ) ) return; ToggleChildItemVoteBtns( transport, true ); var votesUpCount = $('VotesUpCount'); if ( votesUpCount ) { UpdateFormattedNumber( votesUpCount, 1 ); $('VotesUpCountContainer').show(); } $('VoteUpBtn').addClassName('toggled'); $('VoteDownBtn').removeClassName('toggled'); var voteLaterBtn = $('VoteLaterBtn'); if ( voteLaterBtn ) { voteLaterBtn.hide(); } var blurb = $('rated_blurb'); if( blurb != null ) blurb.show(); var next = $('voteNext'); if( next != null ) next.show(); } }(item_id)) }; new Ajax.Request( 'https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/voteup', options ); } return false; }
  6. Hello, what should i do to voteup/rate screenshots via nodejs? Some hint? Where should i start, I am green
  7. I think your friends must be in game to get ranks
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