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  1. Hello, im trying to confirme trades using php and curl https://steamcommunity.com/mobileconf/ajaxop?op=conf&p=android:{DevideID}&a={SteamID}&k={CurrentMobileGuardCode}&t={Time}&m=android&tag=conf&cid={TradeofferID} but i get this response {"success":false} maybe you guys can help with the parameters and the link to get it to work
  2. i copied the example and added getOffer to it and i still get this error and this is the full JS file : /** * STOREHOUSE - node-steam * * Uses node-steam-user for notifications and accepts all incoming trade offers, * node-steamcommunity for confirming trades, * node-steam-totp to generate 2FA codes */ var SteamUser = require('steam-user'); var SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity'); var SteamTotp = require('steam-totp'); var TradeOfferManager = require('steam-tradeoffer-manager'); // use require('steam-tradeoffer-manager') in production var fs = require('fs'); var client = new SteamUser(); var manager = new TradeOfferManager({ "steam": client, // Polling every 30 seconds is fine since we get notifications from Steam "domain": "localhost", // Our domain is example.com "language": "en" // We want English item descriptions }); var community = new SteamCommunity(); // Steam logon options var logOnOptions = { "accountName": "xxxxxxx", "password": "xxxxxx", "twoFactorCode": SteamTotp.getAuthCode("xxxxxxxx") }; if (fs.existsSync('polldata.json')) { manager.pollData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('polldata.json')); } client.logOn(logOnOptions); client.on('loggedOn', function() { console.log("Logged into Steam"); }); client.on('webSession', function(sessionID, cookies) { manager.setCookies(cookies, function(err) { if (err) { console.log(err); process.exit(1); // Fatal error since we couldn't get our API key return; } console.log("Got API key: " + manager.apiKey); }); community.setCookies(cookies); community.startConfirmationChecker(30000, "xxxxxxxx"); // Checks and accepts confirmations every 30 seconds }); manager.getOffer({"tradeofferid": 1414463195}, function(err, offer){ if(err){ console.log(err); } console.log(offer); }); manager.on('pollData', function(pollData) { fs.writeFile('polldata.json', JSON.stringify(pollData)); });
  3. sir please, im lost .. this is my first time trying to use node codes. if you just give me an example about how this getOffer works it will help me so much please.
  4. Hello, im using this code to check the status of my sent offer ! can you help ? manager.getOffer({id:'1413390722'}, function(err, offer){ if(err){throw err;} console.log(offer); }); i get this as err : Error: No API-Key set (yet) at TradeOfferManager._apiCall.callback [as _apiCall] (C:\Bot\node_modules\st eam-tradeoffer-manager\lib\webapi.js:9:12) at TradeOfferManager.getOffer.callback._apiCall [as getOffer] (C:\Bot\node_m odules\steam-tradeoffer-manager\lib\classes\TradeOffer.js:31:7) at SteamUser.<anonymous> (C:\Bot\all.js:124:13) at emitTwo (events.js:87:13) at SteamUser.emit (events.js:172:7) at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (C:\Bot\node_modules\steam-user\components\we b.js:73:9) at emitOne (events.js:77:13) at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:169:7) at IncomingMessage.Readable.read (_stream_readable.js:368:10) at flow (_stream_readable.js:759:26)
  5. solved thank you in this code : offer.addMyItems([ { "appid": 730, "contextid": 2, "assetid": "6908727870" }, { "appid": 730, "contextid": 2, "assetid": "6901768067" } ]); can i replace it with "addMyItem" like this : offer.addMyItem({"appid": 730,"contextid": 2,"assetid": "6908727870"}); offer.addMyItem({"appid": 730,"contextid": 2,"assetid": "6908765841"}); offer.addMyItem({"appid": 730,"contextid": 2,"assetid": "6908706992"}); ???
  6. Thank you for the help ^^ i have two more simple questions : 1 - how to make my bot decline any recieved offer ? (because i want the bot to send the offers only). 2 - how to check the status of an offer that i already sent ? if it was accepted or declined or changed.
  7. hello, im trying to make a steam trade bot (and im not so good with coding). i found this code to send trade offer but i don"t know how to add items var offer = manager.createOffer("https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=0000000&token=xxxxxxx"); manager.loadInventory(730, 2, true, function(err, myItems) { if(err) { console.error(err); return; } offer.loadPartnerInventory(730, 2, function(err, theirItems) { if(err) { console.error(err); return; } offer.addMyItem(myItems[0]); offer.addTheirItem(theirItems[0]); offer.send(""); }); }); }); let's say i want to : send 2 items with id 6908727870 and id 6901768067 and recieve 2 items with id 847548541 and id 325415748 please just help me filling these ids in the code above to serve like an example for me. thank you so much
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