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  1. I used the given method, but this problem still occurs
  2. I used the given method, but this problem still occurs
  3. Have same problem here: https://dev.doctormckay.com/topic/1436-econitems-invalid-item-id/
  4. Hello, I'm writing very rarely in the forum, I usually solve problems, but this one exceeded me There was a problem getting new identifiers from the accepted offer. (offer.getReceivedItems()). The problem is very rare and again retrieving IDs does not help. There are 21 items available. Only one item has invalid identifiers, and owner value is "0" instead of openID account. Link to account on which are the items from the offer:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198361335405/inventory/json/730/2 Link to the JSON file with the content of the offer:https://pastebin.com/06HRjeSU Please press Ctrl + F and search "id" : "12569687364". This item has returned an invalid identifier and the value "owner". The correct ID is 12702283129. classid and instance id is valid. The remaining 20 items are correct.
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