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  1. Any idea about fix this, it's still not working on steam-user 4.20.1 `eresult: 2`
  2. I made something like this: const request = require('request'); var myProxy = request.defaults({'proxy': 'http://myproxyip:3128' });And i have other questions there is a possible to change proxy dynamically for example for offer.getReceivedItem or i can set it only once in constructor of steamcommunity
  3. Hello it's possible to use proxy ip to bind localAddress for steamcommunity, or i can use proxy only for request? var steam = new SteamCommunity({ "localAddress": myProxy, "request": myProxy, });
  4. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager/wiki/TradeOfferManager
  5. If you want to cancel offer after some time you can use constructor cancelTime https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager/wiki/TradeOfferManager Offtopic, sometimes "community.acceptConfirmationForObject" giving error but it accept offer anyway.
  6. function loadinventory(AppID, ContextID) { manager.loadInventory(AppID, ContextID, true, function(err, inv, curr) { if(err) { console.log("error while loading inv"); loadinventory(AppID, ContextID); return; } //code }); } loadinventory(AppID, ContextID);
  7. There is a simple way to fix this? // I know its old post but im looking for answer.
  8. What about getting last assetid from trade then load player inventory and loop back number of items to get the real assetid? I'm sure there is some limit by steam loading inventory but this could work.
  9. var message = '/command 5' var res = null; if (res = /^\/command ([0-9]*)/.exec(message)) { var = number = res[1]; console.log(number);// 5 } else { console.log("command not found"); } it should work i didn't test
  10. Hello, I have problem getting new assetid's after trade. Sometimes steam is just giving bad new assetid. I tryed offer.getReceivedItems() and offer.getExchangeDetails(). For example: - offer.getReceivedItems() - https://pastebin.com/9BHN8zQK - offer.getExchangeDetails() - https://pastebin.com/B83595WH but new item have completely different assetid: https://pastebin.com/xKT0pQmr Steam is still showing wrong assetid it only happens with first item of trade rest have good id's. There is a solution to fix this, because this bug is annoying?
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