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  1. https://youtu.be/WEY6gmJSQZk can i do this with dr.mckay modules ?
  2. Please show me your save loginKey code please ^^ thanks
  3. OK fixed thanks ^^
  4. mobile Guard and i want login to script without guard function dologin(){ fs.readFile('./config.json', function(err, config_data){ var data = config_data.toString(); var config = JSON.parse(data); client.setOption('promptSteamGuardCode', false); if (fs.existsSync('login_'+botNO+'.json')) { console.log('[LOGIN] Login with saved credentials'); var contents = fs.readFileSync('login_'+botNO+'.json'); login = JSON.parse(contents); client.logOn({ accountName: config.bots_info[botNO].username, loginKey: login.loginKey, password: config.bots_info[botNO].password, rememberPassword: true }); } else { console.log('[LOGIN] Please sign in!'); const logClient = { accountName: config.bots_info[botNO].username, password: config.bots_info[botNO].password, rememberPassword: true } client.logOn(logClient); }; }) } client.on('loginKey', function(key) { console.log(key); var out = '{"loginKey":"'+key+'"}'; fs.writeFile('login_'+botNO+'.json', out, function(err){ if(err) { console.log(err); } else { console.log('[LOGIN] Saved loginKey to \'login_'+botNO+'.json\''); } }); });
  5. ok Fixed my bad accountName it was empty
  6. function doLogin(){ fs.readFile('./config.json', function(err, config_data){ var data = config_data.toString(); var config = JSON.parse(data); client.setOption('promptSteamGuardCode', false); const logClient = { accountName: config.username, password: config.password } client.logOn(logClient); }) } and all login info is ok and console write this and how block this. if wrong pass i have error function e.eresult == SteamUser.EResult.InvalidPassword){ console.log('['+getTime()+'] ' +'[ERROR] - invalid password'); bot.chatMessage(steamid, messages.wrongpass); changeJSON1('checklogin', '0'); }
  7. it is possible to get the name of the game in which the steamID is currently located. also non-steam game.
  8. Work Thanks
  9. Thanks for help
  10. SpiTik

    steam guard

    And i have problem if im write two times in a row !guard guard script crashed Error : Already logged on , cannot logon again. Can you help me with this. Im try use client1.on('disconnect', function () { setTimeout(function () { start(); }, 10000); }); and not work.
  11. SpiTik

    steam guard

    Bot work After restart PC wtf
  12. SpiTik

    steam guard

    and i have one error i off script and one from two log accs work after off
  13. SpiTik

    steam guard

    nice thanks for help <3
  14. SpiTik

    steam guard

    not work client.on('steamGuard', function (domain, callback) { console.log("Steam Guard code needed from "); botGuard.chatMessage(clientID, "[bOT] : Idle bot are started please enter you guard. Write !guard <code>"); botGuard.on("friendMessage", (steamid, message) => { if(message.indexOf("!guard") === 0) { var code = (message.replace(/^!guard ?/, "")); callback(code); } else { botGuard.chatMessage(steamid, "[bOT] : Unknow command please contact support. If you dont know hot to use bot, bot is not for you!!") } });});
  15. SpiTik

    steam guard

    Idk how this event work, im want log to bot with steam chat
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