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Everything posted by evb

  1. Here's a little demo just in case anybody else curious about rate limits. 'use strict'; const SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity'), SteamTotp = require('steam-totp'), COMMUNITY = new SteamCommunity(); const USERNAME = '...', PASSWORD = '...', SHARED_SECRET = '...', IDENTITY_SECRET = '...', CODE = SteamTotp.getAuthCode(SHARED_SECRET), INTERVAL = 5000; COMMUNITY.login({ accountName: USERNAME, password: PASSWORD, twoFactorCode: CODE }, function(err, sessionID, cookies, steamguard, oAuthToken){ if (err) { console.log('login ERROR:', err); return; } COMMUNITY.setCookies(cookies); let n = 0; const onInterval = function () { n += 1; const time = Math.round(Date.now() / 1000); const key = SteamTotp.getConfirmationKey(IDENTITY_SECRET, time, 'conf'); COMMUNITY.getConfirmations(time, key, function (err, confirmations) { if (err) { console.log(`${n}: getConfirmations ERROR:`, err); return; } console.log(`${n}: getConfirmations OK`); }); }; setInterval(onInterval, INTERVAL); }); INTERVAL === 10000 1: getConfirmations OK 2: getConfirmations OK 3: getConfirmations OK 4: getConfirmations OK 5: getConfirmations OK 6: getConfirmations OK 7: getConfirmations OK 8: getConfirmations OK 9: getConfirmations OK INTERVAL === 5000 1: getConfirmations OK 2: getConfirmations OK 3: getConfirmations OK 4: getConfirmations OK 5: getConfirmations OK 6: getConfirmations OK 7: getConfirmations ERROR: { [Error: HTTP error 429] code: 429 } 8: getConfirmations ERROR: { [Error: HTTP error 429] code: 429 } 9: getConfirmations ERROR: { [Error: HTTP error 429] code: 429 }
  2. Can you please confirm that your library has the very same limitations? (6 requests per minute per IP address)
  3. Hi, I wrote my own library that interacts with Steam servers. My version of getConfirmations works fine with one bot. It runs periodically every 10 seconds with no issues. Today, I hooked it up with six bots running simultaneously. This is where errors 429 (too many requests) start happening. Seems like steamcommunity.com/mobileconf/conf has a rate limit: 6 requests per minute from the same IP. Am I right?
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