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Posts posted by cookie

  1. To be honest with you, it will be very difficult unless you understand at least a bit the documentation.


    Dr. Mc Kay's Node.js libraries are amazingly well built and I have set up a basic Steambot in 30 minutes thanks to his work. But it took only 30 minutes because I had spent hundreds of hours learning programming / javascript / Node.js before that. If you want to build a Steam Bot using Dr. Mc Kay's libraries, you will need to understand at least :


    1. basic javascript (youtube/google => basic javascript tutorial) ---> 10 to 999 hours
    2. asynchronous javascript and how to use callbacks (youtube/google => ...) ---> 3928 hours unless you're smarter than me ;-)
    3. install Node.js and setup the environment ---> 1 hour
    4. read the documentation of node-steamcommunity and node-steam-tradeoffer-manager on Github ---> 1 hour
    5. put together the code for your bot in Node ---> 10 minutes to 999 hours depending on what you want your bot to do...

    The only thing I can tell you : building a Node-based bot is a good choice. Everything you need is publicly available and well-documented.


    Good luck with your project. Mine started hundreds of hours ago ;-)

    easy on those hours buddy... you either have the capacity to understand programming or not.

  2. Isn't it sufficient to refresh session every 30 mins and check the err value when doing some calls and see if it's Error: Http 4xx/5xx or Error: Not LoggedIn and webLogOn(); ?


    It's same as refreshing sessions when sessionExpired is emitted but that's the old way when sessionExpired wasn't a thing.


    Also does sessionExpired covers all http errors and malformed responses ? (not all malformed responses are fatal, I know)

  3. var buffer = new Buffer([8,255,31,18,54,9,225,61,118,6,1,0,16,1,122,6,216,185,217,132,217,138,250,1,20,15,27,33,229,31,235,44,95,199,153,216,246,115,5,181,237,31,150,155,169,232,2,136,181,219,187,5,240,2,212,188,219,187,5]);
    var hash = buffer.toString('hex');
    avatar_url_icon = "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/" + hash.substring(0, 2) + "/" + hash;
    avatar_url_medium = avatar_url_icon + "_medium.jpg";
    avatar_url_full = avatar_url_icon + "_full.jpg";
    avatar_url_icon += ".jpg";

    Somehow the url returned is 404, the buffer is the same I posted in the output of getPersonas.

  4. I'm running version 3.9.0 and getting this


    I don't see the avatar_url_icon unfortunately.

  5. sentOfferChanged listener don't trigger on mobile confirmation state.



     - Send trade offer from bot (offer is with status Active)

     - Log in to steam as User and Accept offer -> receive message "You have to confirm in mobile app" -> offer state should be OfferNeedMobileConfirmation but sentOfferChanged don't do anything.


    With receivedOfferChanged everything works just fine the problem is only with sentOfferChanged.


    When you create an offer and don't confirm it is not sent and the event is called sentOfferChanged. There's logic behind naming events and functions.

  6. Right. The recipient starts accepting the offer, something breaks, and Steam rolls back the items that it already transferred. The offer stays as Active at this time, but since the rolled back items have new IDs, the next time you open the offer page, it's InvalidItems.


    Alright thank you for your information and support. What about the Invalid State what does it mean?

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