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  1. easy on those hours buddy... you either have the capacity to understand programming or not.
  2. Isn't it sufficient to refresh session every 30 mins and check the err value when doing some calls and see if it's Error: Http 4xx/5xx or Error: Not LoggedIn and webLogOn(); ? It's same as refreshing sessions when sessionExpired is emitted but that's the old way when sessionExpired wasn't a thing. Also does sessionExpired covers all http errors and malformed responses ? (not all malformed responses are fatal, I know)
  3. The code is so skiddy, It's better you learn node.js or hire a professional to create a steam bot
  4. No, it's better that you separate them and make them communicate using socket.io
  5. So if we pass a steamcommunity instance to the steam-tradeoffer-manager constructor we don't need to setCookies for the steamcommunity instance correct?
  6. client.getPersonas([steamID], function(persona){ //here I get the object persona and use it. console.log(JSON.stringify(persona)); });
  7. var buffer = new Buffer([8,255,31,18,54,9,225,61,118,6,1,0,16,1,122,6,216,185,217,132,217,138,250,1,20,15,27,33,229,31,235,44,95,199,153,216,246,115,5,181,237,31,150,155,169,232,2,136,181,219,187,5,240,2,212,188,219,187,5]); var hash = buffer.toString('hex'); avatar_url_icon = "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/" + hash.substring(0, 2) + "/" + hash; avatar_url_medium = avatar_url_icon + "_medium.jpg"; avatar_url_full = avatar_url_icon + "_full.jpg"; avatar_url_icon += ".jpg"; console.log(avatar_url_icon); console.log(avatar_url_medium); Somehow the url returned is 404, the buffer is the same I posted in the output of getPersonas.
  8. I'm running version 3.9.0 and getting this {"persona_state":null,"game_played_app_id":null,"game_server_ip":null,"game_server_port":null,"persona_state_flags":null,"online_session_instances":null,"published_instance_id":null,"persona_set_by_user":null,"player_name":"***","query_port":null,"steamid_source":null,"avatar_hash":{"buffer":{"type":"Buffer","data":[8,255,31,18,54,9,225,61,118,6,1,0,16,1,122,6,216,185,217,132,217,138,250,1,20,15,27,33,229,31,235,44,95,199,153,216,246,115,5,181,237,31,150,155,169,232,2,186,251,221,187,5,240,2,255,251,221,187,5]},"offset":25,"markedOffset":-1,"limit":45,"littleEndian":true,"noAssert":false},"last_logoff":"2016-07-02T08:39:22.000Z","last_logon":"2016-07-02T08:40:31.000Z","clan_rank":null,"game_name":null,"gameid":null,"game_data_blob":null,"clan_tag":null,"facebook_name":null,"facebook_id":null} I don't see the avatar_url_icon unfortunately.
  9. Hello, What is the encoding of the avatar_hash buffer? Thanks.
  10. When you create an offer and don't confirm it is not sent and the event is called sentOfferChanged. There's logic behind naming events and functions.
  11. Would be perfect if it's possible to use a socks5
  12. Is there a way that we can proxify the whole process? steam-user, steam-community and steam-tradeoffermanager only the last 2 are able to get proxified unlike steam-user we can't pass a request instance.
  13. What about the people that I ignored? it doesn't seem to be in that list sadly, Any workaround to retrieve a list of ignored friends requests?
  14. Hello, Is it possible to retrieve list of pending friend requests instead of listening to friendRelationship which will be emit once per invite?
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