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  1. Ok! Going through your github repos, I just saw that GetTradeStatus is a "new" endpoint. That's why I didn't know about it. (I'm not using your node packages, I hate JS, but it's a very good source of documentation for the steam API, so thanks for your work!)
  2. Ok thank you. One more question, when you receive items you use the receipt URL but for this method you use GetTradeStatus. The receipt version only show new item acquired. Why not only use GetTradeStatus every time? What is the benefit of parsing the receipt URL?
  3. Hey, I'm not sure about this (hard to reproduce), but sometime I have trade offer cancelled not from my end (i think). When using getTradeOffer method, there is no item description but a tradeid. It looks like the item just got its assetid changed (I can't find the item on my inventory anymore, but an identical one exist with a different assetid). Should I use the tradeid provided to get a receipt and update my item assetid? Do anyone knows the real process/workflow behind this?
  4. That was a mistake, I don't fetch icon image for dota2 either. However I spent the afternoon getting what i need for CSGO. With some regex and key/value mapping you can extract weapon / type / exterior from market name.With steamlytics API method "/v1/items" you can get rarity and icon url.
  5. Hi, I want to know if an API/github repo/anything provides a list of all items available for a game. Example: all CSGO items with their weapon, type, rarity, icon url, etc.. I would like the complete list to be able to query it. Eg: Find all covert. Find all mil-spec AK47. Find all Rifle covert, etc. For dota2 it's doable with the API method "GetSchemaURL" and then following the link provided : https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/apps/570/scripts/items/items_game.802aed5ea680938e2c54fd4964713f9b07e48e4b.txt The same file for CSGO is pretty messy and don't contain items name. Any suggestions? Thanks
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