The code that I'm using is as follows:
function makeTrade(){
//Creating the offer, and adding the items.
var offer = manager.createOffer(userSteamID); //Creating a offer to their steamid
//Adding their items. turn this into addTheirItems later instead.
var theirItems = (row[0].userassetid).split(',');
for (i = 0; i < theirItems.length; i++) {
console.log('Adding: ' + theirItems[i]);
offer.addTheirItem({"appid": 730, "contextid": 2, "assetid": theirItems[i]});
//Adding our itemsm, turn this into addMyItems later instead.
var ourItems = (row[0].botassetid).split(',');
for (i = 0; i < ourItems.length; i++) {
console.log('Adding: ' + ourItems[i]);
offer.addMyItem({"appid": 730, "contextid": 2, "assetid": ourItems[i]});
offer.send("Just attempting to do an offer.", userToken, function(err, status) {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log('Tradeoffer sent');
What I did try, was adding it after the var offer had been made, I did also attempt to add it during a trade processing, but both instances turned up with it being a invalid function.