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  1. Ah okay alright, thank you. Do you mean that this is something that can be implemented or would you say there's no way accessing this part of the steam client?
  2. I thought that when I start a game locally the on 'read' event gets called and I can determine from where the save game should be loaded. And when I close the game that the on 'save' event gets called and I can save the file to a cloud server or something. With "actual game" I just mean a game I bought and pressing "Play" in the Steam client.
  3. How do I use the on 'save' and on 'read' functions? When I'm doing it like this: const user = new SteamUser(); user.logOn(); user.storage.on('save', function(filename, contents, callback) { // filename is the name of the file, as a string // contents is a Buffer containing the file's contents // callback is a function which you MUST call on completion or error, with a single error argument // For example: console.log(filename, contents, callback); }); user.storage.on('read', function(filename, callback) { // filename is the name of the file, as a string // callback is a function which you MUST call on completion or error, with an error argument and a Buffer argument // For example: console.log(filename, callback); });I just get the output on start of my electron app: cellid-86[...].txt 91 (err) { if(callback) { callback(err || null); } } servers.json [91, 10, 9…] (err) { if(callback) { callback(err || null); } } So first this 'cellid-...txt' file and then the 'server.json'. But when I start an actual game via steam and close it the 'save' or 'read' event functions aren't called.
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