Hi, I got my hands on a new refreshroken which brings back store.steam ... but when I put it into steam-user it error me on validation
Error: This refreshToken is not valid for logging in to the Steam client
at /Users/xxxxxxx/node_modules/.pnpm/
[email protected]/node_modules/steam-user/components/08-logon.js:133:16
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:77:11) {
tokenAudiences: [ 'web', 'renew', 'derive' ]
Here is JWT decode
iss: 'steam',
sub: '765611995xxxxx',
aud: [ 'web', 'renew', 'derive' ],
exp: 1700350xxx,
nbf: 1689078xxx,
iat: 1697718xxx,
jti: '0D52_xxxx_xxx',
oat: 1697xxxx,
per: 0,
ip_subject: 'xx.xx.xx.xx',
ip_confirmer: 'xx.xx.xx.xx'
Im, try with steam-session - EAuthTokenPlatformType.WebBrowser- renewRefreshToken()
got: Error: AccessDenied