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McKay Development


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    Ruby on rails software engineer, but I love node js and steam. 👨🏽‍💻

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  1. Cookies got the update, use steam-session package to log into the WebBrowser, and then get getWebCookies(), you will receive cookies for each page separately, after just use document.cookie
  2. 1st GET reuquest : https://store.steampowered.com/api/addtocart/?packageids=281301,132236,306952,316818,74002,63210 2nd GET request : https://store.steampowered.com/cart Ta Da u have cart with this games on all sessions. I'll leave the checkout up to you.
  3. U can set cookie jar for reqest or extract from steamstore and GET request on https://store.steampowered.com/api/addtocart/ And another steps u must reverse yourself cuz its against TOS I think This code up add games to cart in bulk, and from now on they will be visible between devices. https://store.steampowered.com/news/collection/steam/?emclan=103582791457287600&emgid=4149575031731807335 News: One cart across all devices Enjoy query params for api get request : packageids with numbers, coma divided
  4. I found this : https://github.com/ost056/SteamAuthTool Yes its : LoginApprover thats one ❤️ Thanks I see on documentation
  5. yes I know about this one, but I need to flip the logic scan QR code with node.js or auth code from qr. e.g. scan steam browser QR with node.js.
  6. Hey, its possible auth QR session by scanning ? with some of this modules ? Like u are logged in steam-user modul and idk function scann QR and auth QR session 😅 Thanks.
  7. v. 2.3.0 I don't know, I temporarily replaced the function, with request post (last image) and this is works.
  8. Hey, I also tried adding a free license through the steam store but it keeps returning me an error Malformed response steamStore.steamID contains the correct ID subId get from working (200) request, response is empty Any Help ? Im try "manual" request : and this working
  9. Mail guard is activated after the first steam-user / steam app logOn, this refresh_token is only for web uses.
  10. Loggin to steam-user with this WebBrowser type refreshtoken.
  11. and is there any way to use it with steam-user ? with steam community it works but I need use it with steam-user steamcommunity solutions : const session = new LoginSession(EAuthTokenPlatformType.WebBrowser) session.refreshToken = refreshToken const cookies = await session.getWebCookies() steamcommunity.setCookies(cookies) return new Promise((resolve) => { steamcommunity.loggedIn((err, loggedIn) => { resolve(steamcommunity.steamID.getSteamID64()) }) })
  12. And, Im try use session.getWebCookies(); with this JWT ... and cookies is working with steam websites
  13. Hi, I got my hands on a new refreshroken which brings back store.steam ... but when I put it into steam-user it error me on validation Error: This refreshToken is not valid for logging in to the Steam client at /Users/xxxxxxx/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/steam-user/components/08-logon.js:133:16 at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:77:11) { tokenAudiences: [ 'web', 'renew', 'derive' ] } Here is JWT decode { iss: 'steam', sub: '765611995xxxxx', aud: [ 'web', 'renew', 'derive' ], exp: 1700350xxx, nbf: 1689078xxx, iat: 1697718xxx, jti: '0D52_xxxx_xxx', oat: 1697xxxx, per: 0, ip_subject: 'xx.xx.xx.xx', ip_confirmer: 'xx.xx.xx.xx' } Im, try with steam-session - EAuthTokenPlatformType.WebBrowser- renewRefreshToken() got: Error: AccessDenied
  14. hmmm, where is the data from ?
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