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    Pip reacted to Dr. McKay in Error 26 (eruslt=26) - unable to send offers via BOT   
    Ignore any id and assetid properties in the description object when you merge it onto the asset object.
  2. Thanks
    Pip reacted to Dr. McKay in How does BOT and proxy work?   
    Yes, that's what the code I posted is for.
    Yes, yes, yes.
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    Pip reacted to Dr. McKay in How does BOT and proxy work?   
    You don't need to log into the client to send or receive trade offers, no.
    You can use a proxy like:
    const SteamUser = require('steam-user'); let user = new SteamUser({ httpProxy: 'http://user:[email protected]:5678' });  
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    Pip reacted to MrPandeu in Detecting trade bots.   
    Someone have ideas, how Steam can detecting trade bots?
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